Chapter 2 Hazel's New School

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*Hazel's P.O.V*

I sped and reached the school at 8.o5 a.m. St Paul's High School is really really big! I quickly rushed inside the school and the first thing I saw was a big sign thingy saying"OFFICE". I went inside and saw an old lady in her sixties. She was dressed in a yellow and white polka dot dress. Her curly hair didn't make her sense of style any better. She looked up at me and said "Hello. How can I help you?"

"Erm...I'm the new student, Hazel Carter. Can I please have my schedule?"

"One moment, dear." she said with a smile.

While I was waiting to get my schedule, I scanned through the whole area. Something, or should I say SOMEONE caught my eye. In the principle's office which was in that same room, I saw a guy sort of like "joking" around with the principal. They both kept laughing. They looked so happy. That made me think about how happy my family was before mum and dad filed the divorce.

"Excuse me, dear, your schedule?"

"What? Oh okay, sorry, thank you."

Suddenly, that guy from the principal's office walked out and our eyes met. And DAMN he's tall. He's about 6'3 and he's quite muscular. I'm only standing at 5'4 so he obviously towered over me. His eyes were blue, like the ocean. i could get lost in those eyes by just looking at them. And his perfect hair, was brown like chocolate. It was slightly tussled so it gave him that "sexy and hot" look. He was wearing a black tank top and some baggy military sort of jeans. OMG! His shoes was converse too! But they were black. I guess his favourite colour is black, judging on the amount of black he was wearing.

"Mr Daniels, would you mind showing Miss Hazel here to her class?" said the lady with the polka dot dress.

I stared at her like she was crazy. AS IF he would wanna walk ME to class. It would ruin his "REPUTATION" or something, walking with a NERD like me.

"Sure! Whats your first class?" said "Mr. Daniels" while looking at me. Did I mention he came REALLY close to me? I could feel my heart beating rapidly.

"Erm...uh...Er..Hi - His - History. Yea, history." I said while stuttering like an idiot. I looked at the floor to avoid eye contact with "Mr. Daniels".

"Really? Cool! I have history now too!" he said while smiling like a kid who just got a LOT of candy.

Did I tell you he has dimples that make him MUCH, MUCH more cuter!

"Yea-yeah. Th-Tha-That's cool!" I said while giving him a half grin.

"Your name is Hazel, am I right?"

"Yep. That's me! Haha..." I said lamely.

"How about you?" I asked.

"The name is Ashton. Ashton Daniels." he said confidently while stretching out his hand to shake my hand.

So I shook his hand while smiling.

"Nice to meet you!" We both said at the same time. We both laughed.

"Can I see your schedule?" said Ashton while smiling at me.

"Sure!" I said while handing my schedule.

He looked at my schedule and then back at his. Suddenly, his eyes grew as big as saucers.

"Wow! We have ALL the same classes together!"

"really? OMG! Cool man!" I said happily. It was nice to finally have a "FRIEND" in all your classes.

"I know right?" He said. He looked at his watch and said"Damn it's almost 8.15! Come on!" he said happily while pulling my hand while heading towards History class.

I almost fell but luckily I didn't. Wow this guy seems really excited all of a sudden, I thought to myself.

We reached History and he just walked in and strode "like a boss" to his seat. He motioned me to come sit with him.

Suddenly, the the teacher,"Mr. Harry" I believe, looked at me and said" Are you the new student?"

I just stood there, staring at him. I was too nervous! Now all eyes were on me.

*END OF CHAPTER 2!!!! =)* 

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