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 Red eyes were hidden behind the mask of Father's hand, yet he carefully watched as the other 'villain' left the room. His breathing was shaky, eyes wide with disbelief as he realised that thankfully they had been alone when he had done something that no one had done since his Master took him in.

The black and white clad villain had said his name.

Not Tomura Shigaraki however, no he didn't say that name.

He called him Tenko Shimura.

That name had been buried, it was one that was no longer associated with him. It had been a name that his Master had worked so hard to make him forget and to connect with his new name. In time he had even forgotten the visions of his family, but the name was still in the back of his mind, never completely leaving him, yet any emotions that might have linked him to his family, and indeed life in general had turned into hate and anger that usually remained inside him at all times.

Taking a deep breath to calm himself, he walked out of the small room, following Twice, who hadn't even thought that the leader of the League would come after him, did he honestly think Shigaraki would just let it slide?

Tomura Shigaraki wasn't the type of villain to simply give up. He came over to him, though Twice was still walking, reached out and grabbed him before he could leave the building keeping one finger off and forcefully pulled him further into the run down room.

He was able to connect the dots, he saw what he needed to and he was so disappointed as to what he figured out.

Twice, Jin, was a traitor.

"Huh? Boss?" The masked man looked at him curiously, like he was unaware of just how smart Tomura really was.

"So, who's side are you actually on Twice?" he hissed out, letting go of his arm, because he knew he wouldn't be able to hold back, he would decay him regardless of his answer and right now? He just needed answers.

Of course if he did just decay him, he would have to explain why to Toga, although she would be pissed at him and he wouldn't care that much about it, it did help to have Jin state exactly why he betrayed them instead of having to lie to Toga. If he could remain somewhat truthful to his comrades, it made it easier for them to trust him, and he felt somewhat more at ease at being truthful, it was harder to keep a lie going, and he wasn't going to be able to remember it.

He looked at the man with narrowed eyes as the other man just looked at him. He had patience, he had proven it time and again in his plans against the heroes and the Yakuza, so he would give him time to collect his thoughts, but if he didn't answer him...


Shigaraki scowled behind Father. "Cut the act, you said my name."

Although he couldn't see it, Twice had begun to sweat, badly. His other persona had let the name slip out, which was why he had left the room, but he didn't think that Shigaraki would have put it together so quickly, or have noticed that it was his true name. He hadn't been told that the villain still remembered his former name,

"Nothing to say?" he could feel a headache starting to form, it wasn't going to be good, headaches were rare for him, but when they happened? A few things could happen.

"Well." Jin rubbed the back of his neck, still sweating, but he knew the chances of him being killed were a lot higher now than he had been previously, yet he knew that risk was always there. "It was a way for me to get some help... mentally." he admitted, though he kept an eye on those deadly hands. "Don't get me wrong though, I wanted those Yakuza's dead, no hero would want to even try to do something like we did."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14, 2019 ⏰

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