Chapter 1: Beginnings

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Will looked up from his desk. His art teacher was blaring on about some important artwork that had supposedly influenced the way some people thought about something. Art Studies bored Will immensely. He'd rather be in health than do this crap. At least that might help him at one or two points in his life.

Most of school was like that; he couldn't see the point of studying something if you were never going to use it. That's great that you like art, he thought, but don't force it on anyone else. It was bearable, though, as he had a double ancient history period next. Will LOVED ancient history. He'd memorized the Egyptian mythology when he was seven, and could write fluently in Greek, Cryllic, and Cuneiform. This was a skill he rarely used, as he'd been bullied in primary school for being a 'know-it-all'. A phrase Will himself didn't understand at the time, as he didn't know everything, just languages.

As he looked up, his best friend Hugo nudged him and showed him his 'work'. It was a brilliant drawing of an Aztec head, done in felt-tip. Hugo was the best drawer Will knew; he would put pen to paper and let his imagination out into the page. He loved Art, but as with everyone else, hated Art Studies. Hugo was a little strange sometimes though, Will had once got a brief glance at his notebook as he put his bag into his locker, and it was filled with strange circular symbols and diagrams. He had asked what they were but Hugo had just wiggled his fingers and said it was his 'magic circles'.

At last the bell rang for lunch. From here on is a perfect day, Will thought. He went out of the classroom and down the stairs to the courtyard. Melody Private School was a ring of buildings surrounding a grassy area with seats and a fountain in the center. All the students separated off together with their friends, and sat down on the grass together in circles. Will and Hugo weren't really in any of them, they just sat together by themselves on the edge of the fountain and talked and studied there. Neither boy liked sport, they weren't any good at it. Will was a hockey skater, and he excelled at it. Every Saturday he'd go down to the rink and practice for an hour before having a match. His team had won the last three finals, and were set to win their fourth in a couple of weeks. He loved the ice, how it shone in the sunlight and the mist rising off it in the morning.

Will and Hugo were sitting at the fountain, barely avoiding the water spewing out, when a petite Asian girl came up and sat next to them. "Hey, Lan", Hugo said. Lan was an extremely shy girl in their year. She got top grades, but like Will and Hugo didn't have a huge friendship pool.

"Hi", she said.

Hugo has never admitted it, but Will could see that he liked the girl.

"So what did you just have?" asked Hugo.


"Ah. Cool."

Lan probably fancied Hugo as well, as she was even less wordy with him then she was with the rest of the world.

There was an awkward silence where the three of them just sat there. Then Hugo tried to pick up the conversation again:

"So, what are you interested in?"


"Anything else, or just that?"

"I don't know."

Hugo decided to leave it at that.

Will had never really been into girls. He'd tried a couple of times in year ten, but they didn't work out. He just sort of gave up after that.

The lunch bell rang, and all the students started hustling off to class. Finally, something worthwhile. They'd been doing a section on the Celtic people, a culture that greatly interested Will because of the diversity and complexity of their religion system. At the top of his bucket list was to, someday, visit Stonehenge. The ancient Druid ruin of stones and trilithons was probably his most-researched subject, he had written an extended essay on it last year.

The lesson passed in a blur. He walked out of the gates, mind so full of entwined rope designs and three faced death goddesses that he was nearly run over by a large black SUV. Driving the car was a man in his sixties with hooded grey eyes and tight lips. Will could have sworn he was smiling, as if he meant to nearly run him over. Will jumped back, and the car sped past. Hugo pulled him aside and said "Did you see that guy? You had right of way, and he accelerated."

"Yeah, he was a bit creepy when I saw him in the window."

"You know, if you ever see him again, just... Let me know, OK?"

"What? Why?"

"I just... Want to make sure nothing like that happens again. I mean, he could have killed you!"

"Okay... Sure."

"Thanks, man. Hey, why don't you take the bus home? You're looking a little pale."

"...yeah, I'll do that. See you tomorrow."

"Take care."

That was a funny thing for Hugo to say, Will thought. It sounded like he literally meant 'take care' as if I were in danger of something.

Will walked to the bus stop and sat down to wait for a bus. They came every half hour, and he'd have to wait for nearly that long.

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