Better Hypeman? (Persona 5: Dancing through Starlight)

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Inside of Club Velvet are Wiz and Ryuji arguing

Ryuji: Pffrt, yeah... As if Mr. Webshow host is a better Hypeman then me. He can't even keep out of the spotlight long enough

Wiz: Seriously? I am right here and I'm way better then you!

Ryuji: Ah yeah, why?

Wiz: I can at least dance.

Ryuji: Sure, just because your BFF is coaching you.

Wiz: Leave Heat outta that!

Heat, Ren & Trinity (TrinityRose12) stand a bit away, enough to hear the two.

Heat: Geese... Since Ryuji got that Wiz is helping me a lot on stage he feels like he got a reputation to keep.

Trinity: Yeah... What the heck is up with the two?

Ren: sights I wonder why they just let it be....

Heat: True that...

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