Chapter 1

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I stood in front of the gates of my new school watching unknown faces walk into the gates.

The very first time I changed schools in the past twelve years of my life. I had no idea what to expect.

My mind raced with thoughts. Would I make nice friends? Will I find my place here? Will I adjust? Will people accept me?

Oh god! Get a grip Nashia! I focused myself to keep calm. Afterall everyone was new here. All my batch mates atleast. The next two years was gonna be here. A whole new world and a whole new life with a whole new set of friends.

My eyes searched for Zoey, my best friend. Thank the gods and goddesses she joined the same school as mine.

Here, we had our final two years of school completed in a different institute, other than your school. So at the age of sweet sixteen, I shifted schools for the first time.

Frankly, I was nervous.

Just then I saw Zoey and heaved a sigh of releif. Some familiarity in-between the unknowns!

"Nashia! You're finally here. What took you so long?" Zee was her old, chirpy self with complete excitement and energy.

Don't get me wrong. I'm completely bubbly and enthusiastic. But for a teen who doesn't know what to expect and who hates huge and stuffy crowds, excitement definitely isn't going to be anywhere in the top priorities.

"You're nervous aren't you?"

"Of course Zee! What do u expect?"

"Oh cool it Nash! You're not getting married. It's just a new school."

Zee and her comparisons, I thought. After all she'd shifted schools before. It's me whose the newbie to this.

"Ok, let's get this over with." I said and we walked in.

Our floor was on the third floor.

I guess this 'three floors' was something I could never get rid of. My classes in my old school were on the third floor too. My house into which I shifted two days back was on the third floor. And now this too.

Just perfect. I hated climbing stairs! Atleast I'd not get confused of floors now. Everywhere, I was on the third floor.

"Ready?" Zee asked stopping just outside the door of the room in which we were to sit.

I just nodded and we stepped in.

I saw a few familiar faces and passed a smile. We took a place just a few benches behind the first in the corner row.

I went back into my dream world as Zee socialized. I so didn't want to 'socialise' right now. I smiled at those who smiled at me.

I finally spoke to a few girls sitting just behind me.

The teachers came in and introduced themselves. They also informed us that this was not our permanent classes. We would be getting out permanent allocations and fixed schedule only tomorrow.

They tell me this just when I think I like these girls who I spoke to.

Yay life!

Soon we were introducing ourselves to the class. I walked up to the front and faced the people.

Well this was one thing I loved to do. Speak! And especially in front of an audience, I loved the attention i got. Definitely a true Aeries as an attention seeker.

"Hey guys! I'm Nashia Collins. I'm a student from Xaviers high. It's my first time in a whole new environment as I'm changing schools for the first time. So taking about me.... Well, I dance. That's what I do and love to do. I also love speaking and can go on and on. So, I'm gonna stop right now and let the next person come up, or else there's never gonna be a next person. Hope to enjoy the next two years with you guys!"

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