I Know You ? ❤️

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Johns Pov
I woke up the next day with 5 messages from Nikki

First one read

Hey I'm in Boston long story !

Second one read

I'm sorry ! I should be home waiting for you !

Third message read

I miss you and hopefully after this my problems will finish !

Fourth message read

I know that just getting up and leaving wasn't a good idea but it was just an impulse !

And the last message read

Even if you're mad just remember that I love you ! I love you with all my heart and I hope you could forgive me for this !

His reply !

You don't need to explain anything if you think whatever your doing will help and I love you too I can't wait to see you when you get home ! I love you with all my heart ! Come home soon ! ❤️

She wackily replied !!

I'll be home today !!

He replied

Okay !

Nikki's Pov
I was so glad that John wasn't mad at the fact that instead of being home when he got there I was here in Boston ! I just needed to do this I had to be at his grave ! To see if these damn nightmares would stop ! Or maybe someone would know what causing me these nightmares !!
As I was approaching his grave I saw his brother and I thanked god it was Josh and not Derek !!

Josh: Nicole what are you doing here ?
Nikki: Long story !
Josh: Lucky for you I have time !

She smiled at him and sat down next to the grave !!

Nikki: I've been having these nightmares where.....
Josh: Where you with him then out of nowhere men come and take him away ?
Nikki: Yes !!! How did you know ?
Josh: First JoJo told me then I started having those nightmares too the other day I had one where he was saying how much things have changed in the time that he's been gone but he's happy to know that we haven't changed and neither have you !
Nikki: Me ? He mentioned me in your dream ?
Josh: Yeah !
Nikki: Wow !! This is kind of scary !
Josh: Yeah !!
Nikki: But my last one was horrible !
Josh: What was it about ?
Nikki: Well I recently moved in with my boyfriend into his house well mansion ! And he was inside calling me and I ran down the stairs I was with him then John came done they got into this fight I was being pulled away further and further and there wasn't anything I could do to stop them then I heard gun shots and blood but I didn't know who got shot !
Josh: Omg Nicole are you having this dream constantly ?
Nikki: No that was the first time but I keep having dreams where he's with me then gets taken away !!
Josh: And you thought coming here would help ?
Nikki: Yes kind of !
Josh: Well I'm sorry to say it doesn't I've been here almost everyday and these nightmares always come back to haunt me and I just have this feeling
Nikki: As if something is coming ? Something's going to happen ?
Josh: Yeah !!
Nikki: I have that feeling too ! Ever since I've had those nightmares ! I have this feeling but what does it mean ?
Josh: Could it mean death ?
Nikki: I don't know it could be question is of who ? Me or you ?
Josh: Most likely me ! You know after the tribute I have to be back with the navy !
Nikki: Oh god !!

She said as she began to cry into her hands and Josh got closer to her ! She then grabbed on to him and hugged him

Nikki: Please be careful !! Please !
Josh: Of course I will !
Nikki: I don't want you to end up like this

She said as she pointed down to his grave

Josh: You and me both !

They looked at each other and laughed ! Then she got up !

Nikki: Can I be alone with him for a minute ?
Josh: Sure things I was about to go Umm do you need a ride to your hotel or ?
Nikki: Air port yes please !
Josh: Okay I'll be waiting by the entrance !
Nikki: Thank you !

He nods and walks away when he far enough Nikki kneels down again !

Nikki: Alex why do I keep having these nightmares are you causing this or is it just me and subconscious ? Every time your in my dreams you ask if I love you ? And I do I still love you it's hard not to but I've found someone who makes me happy ! I love him too and I love him more and more everyday I don't know what to do anymore I can't erase you and I can't forget you so what do I do ? I want you to be someone I can look back on and think we had good times together and I'll hold them dear in my heart ! But I'm with someone now who I want to make amazing new memories ones I'll never forget ! Just remember that I love you but I don't think the love is the same again ! Bye Alex !

She kissed the tomb and walked away as she was walking towards the entrance she seems someone who looks familiar and when she tried to get close this person turns around and walks away faster !

Nikki: Hey I know you.........

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