• Prologue •

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Panting and sweat dripping on the floor could be heard as a girl, no older than 16, charged at a much bigger man. She threw punches and kicks, the man blocking them everytime. They were both panting from all the sparring. The girl charged again at the man with her fist in the air, letting out a small battle cry as she did. Before she could land a punch, the man grabbed her arm and flipped her over taking her by surprise. He punched her in the stomach, not strong enough to cause a bruise but enough to actually cause a bit of pain.

"You've been holding back." The man said to the girl, helping her to stand up to her feet.

"Sorry, I've got a lot in my mind dad." The girl apologized, still shook from being flipped over. "Plus, it has been a while since we sparred." She quickly added, grabbing a towel to rub her sweat. He father nodded along while also grabbing a towel.

"What has been on your mind (Y/n)?"

She thought about it first while answering. "My future, mostly about which school I'm going to though." She said nonchalantly, not noticing her father's eyes lighting up. "Oh? Have you decided?" He asked with interest. (Y/n) sighed already knowing what her father wants as her answer. "Dad, I have no intention of going to Totsuki. I've told you this already." (Y/n) replies. Her father was not pleased with her answer but nodded nonetheless.

"You know your mother wanted this for you, right?" At the mention of her mother, (Y/n) couldn't help but get chills. "(Y/n), you basically grew up honing your skills in the kitchen, you can't possibly quit cooking just because of that one accident."

(Y/n) sighed once again, holding a conflicted expression. "I'll take it into consideration." She replied. Her father couldn't help but laugh at her response. He threw her a bottle of water, which (Y/n) caught effortlessly. "Drink up kid, you have a big day tomorrow." He said, followed by a low chuckle.

"What do you mean-"

"Well! I'll be going now, I have grown up stuff to do." Her father stood up, ruffling her hair in the process. "See you later, kid." He waved good bye.

(Y/n) sighed once again "I will never understand that man..." She took her glasses from a nearby table and wiped it with a small cloth.

bzzt bzzt bzzt

Her phone vibrated, signaling that she had a call. (Y/n) went to pick it up, not bothering to check the caller id.


"Hey (Y/n)! Are you free right now?" She could feel her mouth twitch into a smile.

"Yeah, do you need anything?"

"Can you help me with something? It's about the diner..."

"What did you do this time, Soma?" (Y/n) laughed at how tired and desperate Soma's voice sounded.

"I didn't do anything! The customers did it on their own!!"

"Ok, I'll be right there." With a small laugh, (Y/n) went to change off her sweaty clothes and headed straight to Yukihira's.


"And that is why the sign is covered with white paint."

(Y/n) hummed in understanding. Looking up at her friend who is currently sitting on top of a ladder, scrubbing off paint on the sign. "So you want me to help you get rid of the paint before Joichiro-san gets here?" Soma nodded, grinning at her friend. "I'll make you food after." Soma gave her a thumbs up with the hand that had his head band thingy. (Y/n) replied with a matching grin. "I'm in."

"Yeah, I think it's too late for that."

(Y/n) turned around only to be met with the same golden eyes that Soma has. "Joichiro-san!"

"Hey (N/n)! Still short as ever I see." Joichiro teased, ruffling the said girl's hair. This action earned a scowl from (Y/n)'s face. Joichiro chuckled and looked at Soma. "Looks like something happened."

"It's no big deal. I just had a rude customer, that's all." Soma reassured, continuing to scrub off the paint.

"Soma..." Joichiro had a thoughtful look in his eye before speaking. "I'm closing the shop..."

(Y/n) opened her mouth to speak but was cut off.

"... For a couple of years!"

Silence took over the three. A surprised look on both Soma and (Y/n)'s face.
The silence was broken as Soma fell on the ladder he was sitting on. "Soma you idiot!" (Y/n) shouted as she tried helping him up.

"We'll have to apologize to the regulars of course..." Joichiro said as he opened the door to their diner. "Apologize to your son first!" Soma shouted, which caused (Y/n) to step back at his sudden outburst. She sighed and faced Joichiro

"Joichiro-san, why do you need to close the diner?"

"A couple of friends asked me to work with them." This caused Soma to perk up.


"I'll be busy with that for a while, so I won't be coming here." (Y/n) looked up at Soma's dejected expression, feeling sorry for him.

"Dad..." Soma started. (Y/n) couldn't do anything but watch the scene unfold in front of her. "Once I'm done packing, I'll be on my way."

"Joichiro-san..." (Y/n) mutters, in hopes of getting him to listen. Joichiro makes eye contact with (Y/n) and smiles. "Don't worry, I'll deposit money for Soma's living expenses."

"I said wait!" Soma shouted, determination in his eyes. "I've always wanted to stay here...!" Before Soma could finish his statement, Joichiro made a fist and held it up to Soma's chest.

Man, I am so extra just standing here while they're having a touching father to son exchange. (Y/n) thought, unconsciously tapping her foot.

"It's time to set out Soma, go see what you're capable of." Joichiro said in a serious manner, also looking at (Y/n)'s way. "You too (Y/n)." This piqued the girl's interest as she listened more intently.

Joichiro handed Soma an envelope. "Culinary school?" (Y/n) and Soma asked at the same time. This caused the girl to widen her eyes at what Joichiro's plan was. "Why do I need to go to a place like this?" Soma suddenly asks. Joichiro smiles.

"It's great timing, we're closing up shop and that school offers high school courses too." Soma stared confused at the envelope that was given to him.

"Go study for three years, with (Y/n) of course."

"What? Why am I involved in this all of a sudden?!" It was (Y/n)'s turn to shout at the grown man, who looked confused at her reaction. "Didn't (F/n) tell you?"

"Tell me what?"

"He also enrolled you into Totsuki."

"..." (Y/n) needed time to let the information sink in. She'll be back in the kitchen again, doing what she always loved. Cooking. Yet, she still couldn't believe that her father would do this without her consent.

"(N/n)-chan, are you alright?" Joichiro asked nervously, already aware of the dark aura surrounding the girl. "That old man is dead when I get home..." She muttered mostly to herself. This caused Soma to chuckle. "We're both in this situation, might as well deal with it." With a reassuring hand on her shoulder, (Y/n) calmed down and grinned at Soma. Joichiro smiled at the exchange between the two.


Sorry in advance for any grammatical errors and spelling mistakes. I accept constructive criticism so be sure to tell me what you think >.>

Love y'all ♥

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