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After less than a minute of petting Squips back Michael jolted up from the bed stretching.

-So, any of you is hungry? I haven't eaten anything yet- dead silence filled the room-Squip? Are you hungry?

-I don't know how hunger feels.

-Welp you are eating breakfast anyway, you are not gonna skip the first meal of the day

Jeremy, sighing and almost wanting to punch Michael for his recycle positive ironic phrases, also got out of bed thinking Squip would follow them, but it didn't. Jeremy looked between Michael and Squip just as confused as his best friend. But all clicked when he saw the Squip lowering his head embarrassed, Jeremy could even swear that it was even going to cry.

-You don't know how to walk...-he received a nod in response.-Have you tried at least?-another nod.

-Uh...see ya downstairs-and with that Michael leaved all the responsibility of figuring out what to do to Jeremy.

Jeremy thought for a moment. Teaching it how to walk was going to be difficult and he didn't know how to teach that, plus they didn't have so much time so he just decided he was going to carry the Squip around until it learned how to properly walk. He kneeled in front of the bed waiting for the Squip to notice his plan. He did and he crawled out of the bed clinging to Jeremys back. Jeremy stood up and noticed that it wasn't that bad, the Squip didn't weight that much, Jeremy could bet that it was slightly underweight.

He managed to get the stairs and setting the Squip in a chair. The little human was watching the pictures and paintings of the walls, it has seen them a million of times but this time he was interested. Michael was already in the stove doing breakfast, sweet and puffy pancakes this time. He was the only one there who could cook, he even had to teach Mr.Heere not so long ago.

-So the fuck happened for the tic tac to become a human?

-Don't call him that Michael, he has emotions now

-And how do you want it's a "he" Jeremy? –He could hear that shit eating grin in Michaels tone-But not, really, how do you want us to call you? –he was now talking with the Squip.

-I...I don't know. I don't know anything about myself yet.

-Well tell us when you figure that out, you little funky tic tac. We don't want to make you uncomfortable.

Jeremy was going to lecture Michael when he heard the Squip laugh. It was brief and when he glanced at it the Squip covered his mouth like nothing happened. That was weird but Jeremy would let it slide.

After that last talk Jeremy knew Michael was going to be Squips emotional support. To be honest that role fitted Michael, he was sweet like a ray of warm sunshine in a cold morning. Jeremy could remember him by his side every time he needed him. The play, the party, the hospital, the time he got his Squip. He loved him a lot, and Jeremy did too. It has been like that since they first met each other. He could hear Michael calling his name.

-Hey, Earth calling Jeremy.


-What are you gonna tell your dad? "Hey dad, remember that super nano computer that I spent all my bar mitzvah money on and it made me act like an asshole and my life a living hell? Well it's now human and we have to adopt him.

-I am not going to say that, we don't even have enough space anyway, remember how we sleep together every time you stay in here. Also you kinda have big house, maybe you could take it for the night you know?

-I am not gonna take it home

-Michael you have an unused room in your house.

-That room is not for guests. Also my family hates the Squips, even if I kinda want to help it my moms may not like it.

-Michael please to them about it yeah? Is just gonna be until we have some place for it.

-Ok, yeah, whatever. But you buy its clothes.

-It feels like we are a divorced couple and I just had your kid so we have to discuss who has its custody.-this took a chuckle from Michael.

-The funny part is that you are not the one who would birth the child.

-Hey leave me and my unexisting uterus in peace you fool.

-I mean if you want one I can give you mine, fucking rip it from me-they both laughed-Go on and set the table you furry.

Jeremy retrieved everything that he needed still giggling, what only mad Michael giggle more, what did Jeremy giggle more so they couldn't really stop. When Jeremy turned to face the table he almost tripped in his own feet. The Squip was sitting on the centre of the table fidgeting with it hands not looking at the other two. Jeremy settled what he was carrying on the table to stare at the Squip with his hands on his hips.

-What are you doing on top of the table? You can't be there.

Michael looked over his shoulder while putting the last pancake in a plate laughing when he saw the Squip on the table but quickly stopped when he saw the hint of guilt in its face.

-It's fine S, come here. Michael leaved what he was doing and took the Squip off of the table by his armpits as if it was a little kid and placed it in a chair as if it was the most fragile thing in the world.-You didn't know it was wrong, it's ok, we're not mad.-the Squip nodded.

With Jeremys help the boys settled the table sitting then in company of the Squip, luckily it could eat by itself, it was easy enough.

It quickly started eating, this seemed to calm the void and ache that he was feeling in his belly. At the first bite it started feeling this good sensation in its mouth, it didn't know what it was but it felt fine to the point where its eyes shined. Not really of course, but in a humanly way. It started eating more excited and Jeremy laughed seeing this.

-It seems to like it.

-How cute.-Michael said looking at it.

Maybe having the Squip around wasn't going to be that bad after all.

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