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Derek's pov

"Good morning princess"

"Morning Derek" Amy said kissing my cheek

"I don't think I've slept this late in months"

"Derek it's only 8:30" Julianne pointed out taking a drink of her coffee.

"Exactly that's the sad part it's 8:30 and that's the latest I've slept in months" I said getting a cup of coffee.

"It exhausts me just looking at you" Amy said getting up and kissing me.

"Gross no PDA I'm trying to eat here" Julianne yelled making both of us laugh then I kissed Amy again

"It's my kitchen I can kiss my beautiful fiancé if I want to" both the girls rolled their eyes

"I need to go get ready me and Jules are going shopping" Amy said kissing my cheek and running upstairs

"You guys are way to lovey dovey for me" Jules said putting her coffee cup in the sink

"Oh shut up Jules" I said teasingly.

"No but seriously I'm really happy for you big bro"

"Thanks Jules your not that horrible of a little sister"

"Wow I feel special I'm not that horrible I think I'm pretty amazing"

"You guys there would never be a doubt in anybody's mind that you two are brother and sister" Amy said laughing obviously hearing our conversation.

"Would people ever doubt your my beautiful fiancé" I said kissing her

"We're leaving before anymore PDA happens come on Amy" Jules said dragging Amy out of the kitchen

"Love you Derek"

"Love you too Amy"

Amy's pov

"Oh my god you and Derek I swear are you ever not kissing or hugging"

"Stop we're not that bad are we"

"Your that bad but I've gotta tell you I've never seen my brother this happy and it's all you when he talks about you his face lights up and it's amazing seeing him like this" I could feel myself blushing. "He loves you more than anything in the world"

"I love him more than anything I really do"

"I couldn't ask for a better person to marry my big brother than you"

"Your gonna make me cry Jules"

Derek's pov

"I'm home" I heard Amy yell as she walked inside.

"How was shopping with Jules"

"It was fun she said she couldn't think of a better person to marry her big brother"

"She did what else did she say about me"

"That she's never seen you this happy and your eyes light up when you talk about me and that you love me more than anything in the world"

"Wow you guys talk about anything but me" she pretended to think about it for a second

"Not that I can think of"

"I love you so much Amy"

"I love you to Derek" she said kissing me and my whole world was in my arms she is my world.


Yay hope you guys enjoyed yeah so comment if you have a request hope you enjoyed 😊~M

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