The Forgotten Princess

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My 5th book yay!


On a cold snowy December night, two beautiful daughters were born. Their mother, Juri, father, Haruka and their older brother, Kaname Kuran, were very happy when the twins were born. The oldest Yuki and the youngest Yumi. Yuki has short brown hair and chocolate eyes while Yumi has dark brown hair and reddish brown eyes.

Years has passed, the oldest seemed to grow up childish, and the youngest was very matured at such a young age. The others always think that Yumi was the oldest and Yuki was the youngest. But Yuki can be matured sometimes. Yuki was always hyper and plays with their older brother, Kaname. Yumi will sometimes sit with her family, a book at hand, she loves to sing, and plays a few instruments. Now, she stays in her bedroom almost everyday, when she goes to their library to read she would always hide when one of the Kurans enter. She doesnt want to be seen by her family anymore, it is because they always seem to be with Yuki and act as Yumi didnt exist. Yuki also acts like Yumi didnt even exist also. The only one in her family who loves Yumi was her older brother, Kaname.

Soon, the twins' birthday. They only planned a birthday for... Yuki. Yumi was always lonely but, the servants always go to her room, trying to cheer her up. She was a bit happy that the servants also cared about her. "Happy Birthday, Miss Yumi! Make a wish!" The servants exclaimed happily. She gave them a little smile as she closed her eyes, 'I wish... that my 'family' notices me...' She thought and tried to hold back her tears. She blew the candles on her small cake and the servants cheered. They gave her gifts and then went back to their work. She noticed that Kaname wasnt here so, she left her room and quietly went to the living room. She peeked in and found her 'family' sitting on the couch happily talking.

"Ah! Its decided! Kaname will be engaged with Yuki!" Haruka happily exclaimed making Yumi heart shatter and tears fall. Kaname eyes widened and gasped while Yuki was squealing and hugged Kaname. "What do you say Kaname?" Juri asked grinning happily. 'But... I love Yumi... I promised that I will never leave her... but I dont want to disappoint them.... Im sorry Yumi.... I hope you understand...' Kaname thought. "Yes, I accept.." Kaname hesitantly said, and faked smiled. 'I knew it... Onii-sama loved Yuki... Everyone, I loved will just drift away from me like, onii-sama... I cant take it anymore.' Yumi said to herself as tears continued falling. She quickly went back to her room and started packing all of her things. She tied a black cloak around her and put the hood on. She took her bags and started walking towards the window but stopped when she saw a picture of her and her 'family' she took the picture off the frame, ripped it and burned it. She jumped out of the window and ran until her figure disappeared.

Kaname was walking towards Yumi's room, a small gift at hand. He stopped when he saw servants were running around panicking. "What is going on?" He asked one of the servants. "I-its Yumi-sama! All of her things are gone and she's gone!" Kaname eyes widened and ran to Yumi's room. He slammed the door open and found nothing, except a burnt picture and a book on the floor. The drawers and the window was open, he dropped the gift and picked up the ripped and burnt picture. It was a picture of the Kurans and the ripped one was Yumi, who was smiling softly. He picked up the open book on the floor and it seems it was Yumi's diary.

'I knew it... onii-sama loves Yuki than me. He promised me to never leave me but, it was a lie. All of my loved ones are drifting away from me, I am just a nobody for my 'family'. The servants seemed to be the only family I have In this mansion. But, I can not take it anymore. Im just some ghost to them and it hurts. My heart shattered more when I heard onii-sama marrying Yuki-sama. Onii-sama didnt mind and he looks happy when he heard that. As long hes happy, im happy. I love you onii-sama, and thank you for noticing me. I will be leaving and never come back. I'll have a new life and... if possible, find a man who loves me and never leaves me...' Kaname made a gaping hole on the wall after he finished reading her diary. A few tears escaped from his eyes. 'I love you onii-sama...' the voice of Yumi kept repeating in his head. "I'm so sorry, Yumi.... I'm so sorry...." Kaname muttered over and over again.

Years has passed, Yumi was now known as Yumi Bara, meaning 'Beautiful white rose'. The children in the orphanage gave her that name since she loves the white roses so much. The children knows that Yumi is a Pureblood vampire, at first they were scared but when Yumi gave them a loving motherly personality to them, they loved her and calls her 'Mommy'. Yumi still has her smile and she does not want to be a person who is full of hatred and revenge. She still has her kind and peaceful personality. But she still feels, unloved and lonely because of the Kurans. Yumi will be enrolling the Cross Academy, because she likes to attend school and if possible for her, make friends.


Yep crappy as ever. See ya!

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