First day in hell

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I wake up in the forest looking towards the red sky. Red sky? My senses start working again as I sit up and stretch, something white coming into my vision as I jump up scared. I look behind me and see white wings attached to my back. I have wings? I move them stretching them wide then closing them. Am I in heaven?

I remember dying. Holy shit I died. I look around me taking in the creepy forest, and seeing a pentagram displayed in the sky. Definitely not heaven. Maybe purgatory? I see lights in the distances as I start walking towards them trying to look over my features. I had light blue jeans on, I white button up dress shirt covered by a black sweater. My glasses I wore in my past life were more circular now, and not to mention I had wings. While walking I decided to try flying. I jumped up and tried flapping my wings, I wobbled up slightly making my way up and falling slightly before rising again. This shit hard. I fly towards the city arriving In a broken down town. I walk the streets seeing all these creatures walking around. Some drinking, some doing drugs, and other working the corner.

"Hey pretty boy wanna have some fun tonight~" a girl dressed in a skimpy red dress asked placing her hand on my arm. She had three eyes and green skin

"Don't touch me." I yank my arm away scared. I've never been in any situation like this before. I've been a good person, mostly studying and staying home. I've never committed one sin in my life, why was I sent down to this hell?

I back away from the girl as I try to keep walking down the street only to feel someone's hand around my mouth and pull me into the alleyway. I felt a knife against my throat as a gruff voice spoke in my ear.

"Money. Now." They spoke pushing the knife more into my neck. Fear filled my body as I felt changes in me. It was something I couldn't control. The confusion, fear, and stress snapped in me as I was filled with rage. A burning rage. I flipped the guy over me as I saw my vision have a neon pink glow to it. My sharp neon pink fingernails wrapped around the man throat as they disappeared into it. The fear in this man's eyes sparked something inside of me, and the rest of this night was mostly a blur. I remember seeing my reflection sometime that night I think in a broken mirror In an alleyway. I had let go of a body that slumped to the floor lifeless. The white wings turned into a glowing neon pink skeleton wings, my nails were longer and pink, and the creepiest part was a neon pink mask hiding my face.

I had pink horns as well, poking through my dark hair

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I had pink horns as well, poking through my dark hair. I remember my clothes and hands dripping with blood.

I look around confused as I wake up in a random alleyway, a headache pounding in my head. I sit up and look over myself confused. My wings were back to normal, my nails weren't pink, and I didn't have any blood on me. Maybe it was a dream? Yea just a really bad dream. I make my way out of the alleyway and walk down the street seeing it bustling with people. Maybe it's daytime now? As I pass a window a see the news being played. I stop and watch with horror as I see the figure I saw last night.

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