Why did I get out of bed?

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A/n: so I decided to write this story I apologize for any grammatical errors


Asher, an average book or movie teen often moody, a so called tragic backstory even, The typical stuck up wanna be goth some would say. Only one person really knew him though his best friend Orpheus. Orpheus came from a family of musicians, his mother had a major in ancient greek studies which is where he got his unique name. He was the one of the guys persay, he was on the track team, he was in clubs and kept his grades high. He was the complete opposite behind closed doors however, he would be sorting his pokemon cards, or playing with some online friends on whatever game they were fixed on that week. Asher had know Orpheus since he was very young. They don't even remember how they meet. Expect that would be a lie at least on Asher sides. Asher met Orpheus when he lost his mother, he was a child from one of his mothers friends. They were both too young to understand the loss but found company in each other. Naturally they befriend each other after that and have been stuck at the hip since or at least till highschool.

It was 6:00Am when the dark purple haired boy fell out of his bed. He got up and scanned the room, "Another morning in hell." He spoke to himself as he groaned. Lately he didn't care much about his appearance, he didn't have anyone to impress. So he threw on a hoodie and a pair of sweat of black sweat pants and called it day. As he stumbled out into the kitchen his father greeted him with his breakfast, "Asher before you start. You are going to your classes. I have a meeting so now playing sick." He nodded in response as the older man didn't seem much in a pleasant mood so he didn't see the point to argue. "Orpheus would kill me if I missed another day."That was a lie, Asher honestly hasn't talked to his 'best' friend in a few days now. A laugh left his father, "you two going to stay after school?" Asher looked up confused,"huh?" "Its Thursday, you two usually hang out after his practice or am I confused about something else?"

"No. He is going to be busy." Asher said while grabbing some of the already prepared food.

"How long is your meeting going to be?" He was quick to change the subject. "I'll be back tomorrow at the corporate office but I transferred money to your account so you can order if something goes wrong."

"Thanks dad."

After Asher had finished he took off walking to school, he stopped walking with sage when he started to bring his girlfriend. She was nice and all but they didn't get along. Her name was Izzabella Wills, or Izzy. The oldest of the wills children, she was bubbly and charismatic that same charisma landed her the lead role she tried out for in her drama class; she even convinced orpheus to be her Romero one year. Everone has there flaws though and hers was jealousy over Asher, after he came out sophomore year as gay she saw him as a threat. It didn't help when rumors started about asher crush on his best friend, they were true however but in ashers mind no one needed to know that.

Asher didn't care that they were together in the slightest, he is the one that convinced Orpheus to ask her out in the first place. He was happy for them both. He just wished they were close again and that Izzy would just let them be friends peacefully. Almost on cue Orpheus tried to scare him as he ran up behind asher and picked him up. All he got was a fake Scream was Asher and laughed. "you look lonely Asher come one walk with me and izzy today please? Come in you haven't called or texted me in so long! Let's spend time together" He practically was begging him Asher. 'Maybe you should have called or texted me..' he looked over as saw izzy's harsh glare. Orpheus was oblivious to the drama between the two, he didn't listen to drama much so he had no idea his girlfriend didn't trust or like them being around each other. "Actually I promised Leo I'd hurry up and meet him so.." Asher picked up his pace .Orpheus wasnt stupid. He had noticed something was off about his friend, he hadn't been at school for the last few days nor had they talked he had noticed the bags under his friend's eyes which didn't help his worry. He turned to izzy who just grabbed onto his arm with a smile and forgot about his train of thought. They enjoyed the walk and shared a kiss outside the school before Izzy had run off. That left Orpheus to confront his friend "Asher what's going on? You seem off. We haven't talked in days, your being reclusive and honestly your kinda looking like shit? I'm worried." sage said as he walked up and slammed his hand on the locker beside him. 'Really..you wanna know what's wrong?maybe ask your girlfriend' Is all asher had going through his head. "It's nothing important. Just have been sick." "Im sorry but I know thats a bunch of bs but whatever, don't tell you best friend. did I do something wrong?" Orpheus's phone then vibrated and after a moment of silence he cheeked it. "Izzy needs my help in the drama room. But this conversation isn't over." He walked off and just like that Asher was alone and able to breathe slightly easier again. He sighed and slowed down his walk trying to keep himself calm.'I want him happy..he is happy. Am I just supposed to out right tell him? Would he believe me?' He thought, trying to take his mind away from the brunette. His classes went by slow, he mainly made small sketches of Orpheus absentmindedly then he would just throw away he didn't want anyone to see them. Lunch came around and he saw the two being 'that couple' that do the cute shit in the back of the cafeteria. He rolled his eyes and sat with his other friends. "Okay all I'm saying is what is the real meaning of li-", "I'll stop you there Leo, no existential crisis this early. That should be a crime." Asher had cut him off while sitting down. the redhead across from them started to laugh, before speaking up,"So avoiding the lover birds again. Eventually you have to come to terms my guy..you can't just avoid them forever" She said trying to help her friend. "Sam I know, trust me. He came up to me today and tried to confront me. What am I supposed to do!?"

"Well you know maybe you should just tell him then! Most stu-" Leo was cut off by Sam giving him the look that could stop a charging bull.He nodded at her

"I can't just be like, oh yeah hey old friend your girlfriend is kinda jealous of me and the rumors about my crush on you are true that's why she feels threatened." Ashed said a bit too dramatically. It caused the same and leo to look at one another again before Leo pipped in again, "then lie a but said it was just because of the rumors. And that it's not true at all!"

Asher thought for a moment 'could I really lie to my best friend like that..' for other people it would be easier but Asher never lied to his friend in that way before he also told him how he felt and went through his head. And worth things he could think about was 'what if he finds out anyway."

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