Taking out the bad guys

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"He's not gonna make it," Penguin said in a shaky voice.

"He's done it a couple times, I'm sure he can do it again," Riddler said, but not in an effort to reassure Penguin. He was simply staying a fact.

"It's been a solid minute and they haven't resurfaced. That's the end of the road for the clown family." Penguin said with a gulp.

But before another word was spoken, the clown broke the surface of the viscous fluid with a loud gasp and brought his brother up. He swam them to the edge where the ladder was and pushed his brothers limp body up the ladder. He tried his best to not hurt him by holding onto him as he jumped down to the ground.

Laying his brother down he gave him a few pats on the back and immediately Nick began to cough.
Both brothers clothing were torn to shreds due to the properties of the acidic substance on the fabric.
Nick felt himself on fire.
He had never felt pain like that before. The unpleasant odor in his nostrils didn't help either. He was completely vulnerable to it and there was nothing he could do. He felt like he couldn't even breathe. 

Joker looked down at Nick and saw his skin tone hadn't changed. Neither had his hair. There were strands of white in Nicks hair but you'd only notice it if you were up close.

Nick couldn't stop trembling. He noticed the way Joker was looking at him as the acid continued to bite at his skin. The look in the clowns eyes was something Nick had never seen:
A look of genuine concern.

Nick tried to ignore the horrid pain coursing through his body but he couldn't. Tears welled in his eyes as he growled.

"This is how I was born

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"This is how I was born." J explained. "I accidentally lost my footing and fell while I was running from the bat. Unlike you, I ended up in the drainage and I saw my reflection in a puddle."

Nick slowly began to understand Lyle's point. But where did it end? Did Lyle want to add another criminal on the list of Gotham's most popular wanted list?
What would Lyle get out of it?

"So that's what Lyle wanted? A second Joker?" Nick said.
At this point, Penguin and the men had joined the brothers below the platform where they stood by the vats. Penguin covered his nose due to the putrid odors.

"Well that's just great! Like I didn't have enough bozo's to worry about!" Penguin exclaimed in irritation.

"That's not the point, dumbass. It's actually a lot sadder than you think." Riddler said, looking over st Nick. "So interesting. All this trouble, just for a second Joker."
Nick glared at him and looked at his hands. They weren't pale white like the clowns skin tone.

"I don't think that's it."  Joker said.

"The two jokers theory?" Nick asked

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"The two jokers theory?" Nick asked.

"Why would be do that? Wasn't he trying to eliminate us? All of us?" Joker growled as he glanced at the men around him.

"The clown is right. The fires that wretched tool set at all of our properties. We each lost something." Riddler said with a nod.

"Very good." The voice spoke out loudly over them. "You know, you may be a bunch of low level criminals, but the brains are still there...more or less." Lyle chuckled over the loudspeakers.

"What do you want?!" Penguin roared, maniacally looking up at one of the speakers above the group.

"I'm getting exactly what I want. Don't you see what I've done? Don't you see what this is?" Lyle asked.

"A poorly made replica of the Ace Chemicals plant?" Nick asked, knowing he was wrong.

"A distraction. A very well-thought out distraction. In fact, think of yourselves as being in a maze. You follow the path I've designed and only sink further and further until one of you has an epiphany." Lyle continued.

"Why are you doing this? What are you distracting us from?" Nick growled.

Just then, banners flung open from the walls and the images that unfolded made the men sick.

Each banner had a picture of Lyle's face and a VOTE FOR MAYOR etched underneath.
Everyone looked dumbfounded.

"Mayor? You?" Penguin asked with a scoff. "WHAT A RAVING LUNATIC! AND WE'RE THE BAD GUYS?!"
Penguin began throwing a fit but Riddler wrapped his arms around him and told him to shut up before he made matters worse.
But there was quiet now. An ominous silence that made Nick and even J uncomfortable.

"Well? Don't look so surprised. Congratulate me! I'm the first leader in all of Gotham's history to eliminate the criminals that took all the power!" Lyle laughed manically, clearly proud of his work.

Joker cocked an invisible brow and chuckled. He found it amusing that Lyle had put in all this time and effort to round up the worst of the worst to try "eliminating" them. It was a great joke, and he couldn't wait til it blew up in Lyle's face.
Nick noticed the wide smile on Joker's face and wondered what the clown was thinking.

"But we're still here." Joker replied calmly.

"Not for long." Lyle said in a low growl. "And Nick, I'm sure you're wondering how you fit in the equation with all these bad guys. You see, I did some digging into all of these guys pasts. And you were an integral part of Joker's. You're his only documented blood relative! I knew you wouldn't resist seeking the source of your best friends murder. All I had to do was cover up my dirty business but link it to Gotham where your brother lives.  But as you are or used to be in the military, I have nothing but respect for you. I thank you for your service, for both your country and for myself as well.
In fact, I will be sure to recommend you for the Purple Heart  upon my acceptance of the position of mayor. Your death will not be in vain."

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