chapter 1✥

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"Daddy!" Blaire screams as she runs to the door with her arms out.

"Hi princess!" I say picking her up and spinning her around. I hold her and she leans her head on my shoulder. Jessa walks down the hallways and to the door.

"How was your day working?" she asked kissing my cheek.

"Not bad, the movie is coming along great!" I say putting Blaire down next to her toys and then hugging Jessa. I'm now a movie producer with Nash and I help Shawn write songs and schedule his shows. Life is pretty great. Blaire just turned 3 and Jessa just got a job as a teacher.

"What do you want for dinner?" Jessa asks searching the fridge. "We don't have much."

"How about we go out to eat?" I suggested taking off my jacket and hanging it on the coat rack.

"I'm down!" Jessa said grabbing her purse from the counter top. All three of us jump into the car and we go off to find a place to eat. We ended up going to a pizza place a few blocks away from our house. We decided to call Shawn to see if him and his wife and kids would want to join us.

Yes, Shawn did get married and he is now the legal father of 5 year old Lola and 2 year old Logan. They walked into the restaurant and we sat down at a large booth.


We sit down and order 2 large cheese pizzas. "Mommyy!" Blaire whined.

"What honey?" I asked in a soft, firm tone. I searched my purse for one of her toys.

"Mommy I'm hungryyy!" she wined again. I handed her a stuffed rabbit and she laid on my lap.

"Baby the food will be here soon." I said stroking her blonde hair. Finally after a while the pizza came. I cut Blaire's into little squares and handed her a plastic fork. She ate it slowly and laughed at the jokes Lola made.

"Knock Knock!"

"Who's there?"


"Boo who?"

"Why are you crying?"

Both the girls cracked up and everyone realized there was more pizza spit out on the table than in there stomachs. Emery gave me a funny look and we both started laughing as well. Cam and Shawn were talking about music and Emery and I were talking about our careers. I'm a 4th grade teacher and Emery is a Real-estate agent. All of our kids go to the same daycare which is a walkable distance from our house.

We got up and left to go get ice cream at a local parlor. Cameron got Vanilla, I got Oreo and we ordered Blaire a small cotton candy. Of course when we sat down, Blaire, Lola and even Logan were rubbing ice cream all over their faces. "Blaire Elizabeth!" Cameron said shaking his head and wiping her face. She giggled and finished her ice cream somewhat cleanly. We all said goodbye for the day and went back home.

Blaire isn't the kid who will fall asleep at 7:00 at night. She has an abundance of energy and stays up till around 9:00 every night. Cameron sits on the couch and I sit right next to him and lay my head on his shoulder. He plays with my hair and turns on the TV to the sports network. Blaire rushes in and jumps on the couch and sit next to us. I laugh as Cameron tickles her. Finally, it's 8:00 so we decide to get Blaire ready to go to bed.

"No! I'm not tired!" Blaire says crossing her arms.

"Honey you need to go to bed." Cameron says kneeling down to her level.

"Daddy, but I'm not tired." she says sticking her lip out.


I pick up Blaire and place her on her bed. "Go to sleep. Tomorrow you can stay up." I say kissing her cheek.

"Why can't I stay up late tonight?" she asks hugging her stuffed animals.

"Because Mommy and Daddy are tired. You don't want to be awake in the dark alone, do you?" I said, even though I was going to stay up.

"Ya that's scary. Night night." she says smiling and hugging me with her small arms. I smile and turn off her light.

Being a dad is the best feeling ever. Ya, its a lot of work, and ya, things don't always go as planned, but thats ok because I love Blaire and I love Jessa. I'm so grateful to have this lovely family.

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