Hyunin jealousy

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Jeongin skipped down the hallways, his skirt flailing up in the back as the breeze picked up when he opened the door to leave.
Hyunjin grabbed jeongins waist picking the boy up and wrapping his legs around his waist facing each other. Jeongin brushed his finger over Hyunjins lip piercing kissing his pink full lips. " Hyunjin" jeongin said lovingly. They've been dating for a while but jeongin can't help but get nervous whenever their close to each other. He really loves Hyunjin. They've been through thick and thin together and Jeongin wouldn't trade him for anything in the world.
" Let's go to lunch jinnie" they walked together hand in hand. Hyunjin admiring how soft and cute jeongin looked. His skirt flowing and his lips slightly pink from the gloss he was wearing. If you saw jeongin and hyunjin walking down the hallway seperately you would've never thought that they were going out. They're so different from eachother. Jeongin usually wearing light colors and skirts with tights. Whilst Hyunjin would walk about in black jeans with fishnets. Usually eyeliner and piercings on his skin. But in their own world they went together perfectly.

Lunch was great, Jeongin invited minho and Jisung seeing as his other Hyungs were busy.
Hyunjin couldn't help notice the way Jisung had been Eyeing Jeongin though, the way he kept sneaking glances at him when He wasn't looking. It was starting to piss him off. Jisung and Hyunjin have had beef. Actually hating eachother In the beginning of the year. The hate still somewhat lingers between the two.
" How about you keep your eyes on your own fucking boyfriend jisung."

Hyunjin spoke gritting through his teeth. Jisung rolled his eyes throwing away his used lunch tray sitting back down at the table.

" I'm not looking at your boyfriend dumbass I have my own." Jisung scoffed.
Him and jeongin had a small past but they've grown to learn to just be friends. Of Course Hyunjin Gets jealous. He stands up and walks over to jisung " fuck did you just call me?"
Jisung stood up so that way him and Hyunjin were looking into each others eyes. " I called you a fucking dumbass"
Jeongin worriedly watch as the two continued to go back and forth with each other " Hyunjin it's okay really!" Jeongin spoke his voice wavering considering how scared he was.
Minho grabbed Jisungs shoulders pulling him back " Jisung calm down okay?" Minho pleaded making sure they had a steady distance from each other. The arguing had continued until they were screaming at eachother. Jisung yanked his arms away from minho him and Hyunjin only a few inches apart. Hyunjin lunged at jisung tackling him into the ground getting ontop of him and jabbing Jisungs face.
Jisung fired back, over taking Hyunjin steadily punching. Jisung yanked hyunjin up pushing him into the table. Hyunjin quickly moved from the table lunging at Jisung once more taking him to the concrete floor. Jisung punched hyunjin in his face. Throwing his body off the top of him. Pushing his backside into the nearest thing he could. Jisung was soft and cuddly and usually wasn't very violent. But the way he's fighting Hyunjin knows he's done this before. They keep fighting back and forth bloodying eachothers faces and bruising themselves. Yanking hair out and punching stomachs.

Jeongin got up from the table running to the student council room where woojin and chan were. Minho following behind him
" Chan hyung! Woojin hyung!" Jeongin screamed nearly out of breath.
Chan looked up at jeongin seeing how he was in constant distress. " what's wrong?"
" they're fighting" Chan and Woojin quickly got up " who are they?" Woojin asked picking up the pace as they followed jeongin outside "hyunjin and Jisung! Theyre in the lunch room!" Minho yelled as the screams of the students got louder. Some cheering on Hyunjin and the others yelling out Jisungs name. Woojin pulled Jisung away from Hyunjin while Chan yanked Hyunjin away from jisung. Chan doesn't usually get mad, but the way he screamed at Hyunjin and Jisung would've contradicted that statement.
" Are you two fucking stupid?!" Chan yelled his face turned red.
They were brought to the nurse's office both equally Injured. Jeongin sat in the corner wiping away the loose tears as minho comforted him. Hyunjin stared looking down at his bloodied fist. He looked at Jisung and his bloodied face. They both beat the shit out of eachother. All the anger over the years didn't settle between them. It rose to that very moment. " Are you two so fucking careless you'll let beef get In between you?! Hyunjin you scared the shit out of jeongin! Jisung minho was trying to hold you back!" Chan yelled once again " and all because you were upset? Jealous?!" Chan rolled his eyes running his hands down his face. Hyunjin spoke up " I'm pretty sure you would've did the same for woojin Hyung, in fact you have!" Hyunjin retailated. Chan sighed sitting back in the plastic seat across from Hyunjin. He remembers fighting woojins ex Jungwoo.
He remembers woojin sobbing in the corner of the room not being able to stop the graphic fight. He remembers how weak Woojin was and how violent Jungwoo became towards him. " Those are different situations hyunjin" chan spoke aggravated. His hand in his head. They sat in silence for a minute. All Taking a breather. " im sorry" jisung said. Looking up at Hyunjin. " I'm sorry I aggravated you and called you a dumbass" hyunjin smiled " I'm sorry I got that jealous Jisung. I just didn't know what came over me." Jeongin slipped out of his seat and bringing the others close to him. Bringing everyone In a group hug. " I love you guys, please don't fight again" Hyunjin and Jisung let out soft chuckles " we won't love, we promise" Hyunjin brought jeongin to his face kissing him.

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