Geek to Chic

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The school day trudged along but it finally ended. I snuck around behind the school and hoped on my baby. She had started out a pile of scrap I had bought but then I rebuilt her from the ground up. She wasn't the shiniest bike out there but she was mine. I reved the engine and smiled. I let my brown, curly, mop of hair fall out of the strict bun it's been in all day before I put on my helmet and shot out of the the parking lot by the school. I saw people turn there heads and couldn't help but laugh loudly.

No one at school knew it was me who road the motorcycle, but they knew it was some chick from there school and that's how I wanted it. If anyone knew it was mine they would probably do somthing horrible to it and I might loose the little self control I had over my powers. I took the long way to my weekend job, just so I could enjoy the ride. I saw the world through my visor helmet flash past and it was amazing every time I got on. We had gone a month , at home, without electricity but she had been totally worth it. I reached up to try and adjust my thick, square, geeky glasses ,that I loved so much, but it was difficult with the visor there.

I finally got there after a stop at the apartment to get my costume and duster. I headed through the back door to get started shelving books.

I spent hours shelving book after book and I loved every minute of it. It was my favorite of my two jobs. I looked at my watch and gasped, it was already 10:30! It took at least thirty minutes to get to Leather and Lace, my second job, and I still had to get in costume and set up!

I said a hasty apology to Mrs.Conors, the elderly librarian I had come to love like a grandma, and bolted to my bike.

My dad died when I was 6 so I don't reamember him much, but when he died my mom kinda lost it... So ever since then I've been taking care of myself. That's why none of the kids at school can bother me, I matured a long time ago. I used to do odd jobs around our rundown neighborhood just to make sure we made rent and now that I'm older I have two jobs. Not to mention the homework I charge for more than half the school. It was 20$ for a C, 30$ for a B, and 50$ for a A. Then it varies for certain reports. I was expensive but everyone knew they were garenteed the grade and it's not like they couldn't afford it.

I pulled in to the alley behind the club and jumped off. Francis, the big burly security guard and my favorite person here, was grinning like a maniac.

"Your late, and there's some extremely drunk guys in there, that are demanding a show." he smiled at me. I reached up and gave him a peck on the cheek.

"Yea I forgot I had a bachelor party coming in at 11. You got my back?" I asked.

"Of course, I wouldn't dare let anything happen to your sexy back." he joked. I turned to go in when he spoke. "Did you get your letter yet?" I planted a teary-eyed face on and turned to him.

"Oh, sweetie I'm sorry.." he started but before he could go on a huge smile burst across my face. "You got in didn't you. Your Definatly gonna be a great actress." I squealed and jumped in his arms and he laughed.

"I have to go to school first before I get any kind of actress career but you better believe you'll be the first on my list to thank when I give my speech for my best movie star award." we smiled at each other.

" Does that even exist?" he chuckled.

"It will be created when they see me!" I laughed out loud. Just then one of the girls stuck her head outside.

"Come on Rosalynn, we gotta get you ready. The men are getting rambunctious." said Whitney. I quickly followed her in. The girls were a whirlwind around me and I thought about my future.

I had dreamed forever of being an actress and only a few knew about it. I just recently got my letter telling me I had been accepted to an acting school in Cali, full ride. My teachers and acting coach had all pulled together and sent their recommendations in for me. I was on my way and I couldn't believe it. I had worked so had for so long and it was finally paying off. I had thought about a degree in science to research my abilities but my passion was in arts.

Just then I was pulled out of my reverie and I looked in the mirror to see how they had done. I was wearing what some would call a leather mini skirt but It didn't even cover my butt and some shiny black underwear that made my tan skin look tanner. On top I had a black bra to match and a skimpy leather vest to match the "skirt". They had teased my curly hair wild and added harsh make up that made me look years older. Which was good considering I was supposed to be 21 but hey, the owner was an idiot and I needed a job. Only some of the girls and security gaurds knew I was 17. I needed money and rich drunk guys tend to throw around a lot of it.

I heard the music start and the curtain was pulled back, blinding me with stage lights. I plastered a fake smile on my face and did the same thing I do every Friday.

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