Like I said, I was 9. On Halloween he pulled me in by the arm and kept me. At first, he made me sing a song he made up. It was terrible. To many curse words to explain. His nickname for me is The Drowner. I'll explain the name later. My sister, Von was there to but didn't bother to help, she just ran. I can still see the pumpkins evil grin as I walked up to his house. The evil song they sang," We'll be back later to pick you up, but for now just smile and be tough." The next day he came in the living room, picked me up, and threw me into a small room. He gave me food, but to only last a couple of days. He said,"Eat small, it won't last long." The sound of his voice just makes me want to puke. He wore a bunny mask with blood all over it. His wife came in and saw me but Troy just said he was babysitting, and stupidly, she believed it. Her name was Julia. When she left for work, I fell asleep, but then Troy came in.