Chapter Five

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Glancing at his watch again it was now 7:15 am and stretching in his chair he closed the file shut on the handover he had prepared to brief the morning shift with when at that moment D.C.I Williams walked into the office.

"Good morning Greg; any complications after I left you?" John asked as he looked around the room

"Not as far as I'm aware Sir. Emma Colbeck is heading up the forensic investigation and I have everything prepared for the early turn to make a start on the case with." Greg tapped his finger on the pile of papers he was putting together. Williams picked up the folder and tucking it under his arm; pausing briefly as he reached the doorway John turned his head towards Greg and said

"I want you on my team for this one Greg so I shall see you later on today after you've had a few hours."

"Yes Guv." replied Greg with a weary nod. Williams walked off towards the briefing room ready to start the proceedings that would bring about a murder inquiry to the Metropolitan area. It was some time later that Williams finally managed to extricate himself from the melee of people and questions that any murder inquiry creates. Closing the door behind him as he entered his office he took the plain brown envelope that had been left in his mail tray by a clerk from achieves as per his request. Opening it he spread the contents across his desk and began to pour over the details. In amongst old reports dating back to the early eighties were crime scene photographs and statements from witnesses all concerning a string of brutal murders in which the bodies had all been mutilated. As he stared at the pictures his mind flashed back to the scene that he had been at several hours ago the night before and the similarities were such that these photos could have been taken from the crime scene last night not almost thirty years ago. At the time he had only just been made a detective constable and it had been his first murder inquiry that he had been involved in. It could not be the same person, it's just not possible. Unless....Williams thought to himself. Glancing at the clock on the wall he became aware that it was fast approaching three o'clock and he had an appointment to keep with an old friend.

Gathering up the evidence into the envelope he tucked it inside his coat then slipping out of New Scotland Yard via the back stairs he turned his collar up against the chill wind that was blowing through the city at this time of year. He stepped out into the cold afternoon air and made his way through the crowds of people moving to and fro; he soon entered Trafalgar Square where he could see the grandiose steps leading up to the National Gallery. Upon entering the Museum Williams walked into the cafe and sitting himself down with a cup of Earl Grey tea he watched the double glass doorway leading to the cafe sipping his tea as he waited for a very old friend to arrive. His mind wandered as he sat there sipping on the warm tea the waitress had brought him; as he looked across at her once more his thoughts were reminded of the first girl that had been killed at the beginning of his inquiries back in the early eighties. She was much the same he thought to himself; a young girl in her early twenties working late at a local restaurant and on her way home when she had been attacked. Williams was lost in his thoughts and did not notice as the large double glass doors began to swing shut, having just made way for a young woman pushing a pram with a baby aboard, when a gloved hand caught one of the doors and held it open as its owner peered into the seating area of the cafe. Marcus Tremane was as tall and rigid as any hardback copy of a best seller you may find on the shelves but equally as aged and dusty as one that had been forgotten for a long time sitting in the dark dusty corners of a library. Tremane dipped his spectacles as he caught sight of Williams and with a practiced motion slid them back upon his nose before walking slowly to sit with his old friend. John Williams folded his newspaper that he had been pretending to read as he saw the figure of his friend approach his table. John stood as he stretched out his hand to greet him and said with a smile broadening upon his face

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