Chapter One

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Edward was worried.

He hadn't heard a peep out of his brother, Harry, since the last day of school, and it wasn't like him not to send letters.

Hermione, Ron, and the Black triplets hadn't heard from him, either. That meant something was really wrong.

Unfortunately, Edward was not allowed to perform magic during the holidays, which meant he could do nothing until he got to the Weasleys in three days. And three days was far too long.

Remus noticed Edward's anxiety. "I could pop in and take a look, if you like," he offered.

"No, the Dursleys are Muggles, and you'd freak them out," Edward told him distractedly. "I'll see him at Hogwarts." If Remus found out he was going to ask Ron for help springing Harry out of his summer prison, he'd never get to go to the Weasleys.

Edward thought it would take three days to find out why Harry hadn't been writing, but the answer came that afternoon, as he was packing his things.

There was a sudden loud crack! and a familiar, small house-elf appeared in the middle of Edward's bedroom. Edward yelped and leaped backward, staring at him.

"Dobby is sorry to startle you, sir," the Malfoy's house-elf squeaked anxiously, "But Dobby has something to tell you, sir."

Edward stared at him and then sighed. "All right, Dobby, but keep it down. Remus is downstairs."

"Yes, Edward Potter, sir," Dobby said quickly.

"What is it?" Edward asked.

"Harry Potter must not go to school, sir," Dobby whispered, looking nervous.

"Sorry, Dobby, that's not an option," Edward said at once. "Harry's miserable at the Dursley's, and Hogwarts cheers him up-" He stopped, then frowned at Dobby sternly. "You stopped our letters from reaching him, didn't you?"

Dobby looked down. "Dobby is sorry, sir, but it was the only way-"

"No, it's not," Edward interrupted. "Why can't Harry go?"

"If Harry Potter goes back to Hogwarts, sir, he will be in mortal danger-"

"From who?" Edward demanded, feeling a flash of fury.

Dobby choked, and Edward said quickly, "What are they planning, then?"

"To make the most terrible things happen!" Dobby gasped, swaying.

"And your master is going to start this?" Edward asked slowly.

"Dobby's master does not know what-" Dobby suddenly snatched one of Edward's spellbooks and started hitting himself over the head with it.

Edward quickly yanked it out of Dobby's hands and said, "Why are you telling me and not Harry?"

"Dobby did tell Harry Potter, sir," the elf began.

"Are you mad?! You appeared in the Dursley's house?" Edward snarled, and the elf jumped backward, shocked. "You could have got Harry expelled!"

Dobby suddenly looked even more guilty and anxious, and a cold feeling washed over him.

"Dobby. What. Did. You. Do," Edward hissed in a cold voice, twice as dangerous as his snarl.

"Dobby -- Dobby did it to protect Harry Potter-"

"Answer me," Edward said in a very soft, cold voice.

"Dobby didn't mean -- he only meant..." Dobby swallowed and looked down at his feet. "Harry Potter is locked in his room now, sir. His aunt and uncle think he used magic, sir."

Marauders' Godson Book 2: The Chamber of SecretsWhere stories live. Discover now