2 | Hopeless Subject (aka. Jungkook)

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Jungkook hadn't signed up for being chased 24/7 to be the subject of a love experiment when he decided on being friends with Park Jimin. 

He was ten back when it all started, not that he had really decided befriending him but more like didn't have an option because Park Jimin was the absolute sweetheart to fall for and Jungkook was attention-deprived as an antisocial dork of his middle school. Naturally when Jimin clung on him like a koala and kept inviting him over to play, Jungkook had felt flattered and done his best to keep his place in Jimin's 'List of My Favorite People' to that day. 

Yet, he hadn't signed up to be the subject of his love experiment when he decided that he'd always stay as the first person on Jimin's goddamn 'List of My Favorite People'. 

Jimin was just so, so stubborn. He didn't stop until he got what he wanted, especially if that person was Jeon Jungkook. It mostly didn't take Jimin to get whatever he wanted from Jungkook because Jimin had discovered Jungkook's weakest points over the years and knew very well how to use them against him- unless he did what Jimin wanted, of course. 

This time Jimin had gone all in. Jungkook would never guess that his hyung would nag him to accept his offer for three days non-stop, stop talking to him for the next three when Jungkook denied participation, make him jealous by excessively clinging to Jung Hoseok (the biggest threat to Jungkook's first place in Jimin's 'List of My Favorite People), who took Jimin's closure to the maximum by clinging back to Jimin, as if Jimin didn't already know that he had a crush-thing for Jimin just last year. Bulshit that Hoseok had gotten over Jimin already, Jungkook saw everything, including his little smirks when Jimin would sit a little too closely to him when tired and asked Hoseok to massage his back.

Jungkook especially hated that view. 

Hell Jungkook hated his life right now. 

Was he supposed to feel all this anger and rage just from watching Jimin double in giggles on the ground by a fucking sentence a random guy from the Journalism club told him? A random guy! What if he wasn't a random guy anymore? What if Jimin had gotten close to the dude over this shitty three days that he had ignored him?


Jungkook was done with pretending to not care because he fucking obviously did. Hence, the curious pair of eyes and the annoyed pair of eyes as he stood aimlessly in front of the cafeteria table the two shared.

- Do we know each other? 

Jungkook released a condescending 'th' sound with a not-so-disguised chuckle. He stared down at the dude, closer and closer while placing his hands on the table.

- Were we supposed to? -Jungkook said stubbornly, causing chills to the awkwardly smiling guy, who by now had a hint that he wasn't supposed to exist in near closeness to the freaky dude that challenged him out of nowhere. 

- Stop freaking him out, freak. -Jimin's voice made it from the other side, and soon after his hand snatched Jungkook by the arm and dragged him across the university campus, swinging him to the benches under the huge tree that they had marked as their Friendship Tree the day they had started university together. -What are you trying to do? -Jimin asked from above, placing his hands on his hips and eyeing Jungkook with an attitude. 

- Are you even asking me this fucking question? -Jungkook pointed his finger at Jimin with equal attitude, however the stiffness in his eyes gone as he finally had Jimin's attention on him. -You are the one who is avoiding me for not agreeing to your stupid experiment!

- It's not stupid! -Jimin increased his voice but it wasn't nearly as intimidating because fuck, even his angry come-abouts were cute for he got angry in pout. In pout. -It's important to me! If you don't want to do it, fine, I get it! But who gives you the right to prevent other people from taking my offer?!

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