20 Fact About Me!

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Hey! I was nominated by IzayaKibaRyujiFREAK for this, so here I go!!!


1.   I have a weird obsession with numbers. Seriously. Whenever I see an awesome number for votes, comments, and/or reads, I'm tempted to just tell  everyone to stop reading and stuff to keep it that way... -_-". Not only that, but I can spend minutes looking at words and counting the letters in them, seeing the factors of the total number.  It's really bad for my focus... XD  (Ironically, I hate math...)

2.   I love accents. British, Irish, Japanese, Canadian, Italian, Spanish. You name it, I fangirl over it. I have no idea why... X3

3.   I have trouble hating people. You could burn my house down, and I would probably only feel sad and reproachful. I just believe there's good in everyone. I've met a few people who would cuss out strange old ladies for no reason, and found out that they're not that bad. They've just had bad lives.

4.   I'm painfully oblivious/absentminded. I've almost been run over five times from not paying attention, and have pulled a 'Haruhi Fujioka' with a few guys who have liked me... -_-". So if you ever need something from me, please say it straight out. Bluntness is probably the best thing to make me understand things... CX

5.   I dislike when things are too clean. Things that are perfectly in order and such really make me twitch. I love a bit of lived in chaos in life. Ironically, I live with someone who has OCD... Imagine the conflict... ^_^

6.    I hate sexism. Of course, I don't like racism, or anything else like that, but there's been a lot more sexism in my life. I've actually considered doing some 'male only' jobs when I was younger just to flip the proverbial bird to some people, like football. The phrases 'You're a girl/boy, so you can't ______" and "You have to like/do ___________ because you're a girl/boy" are probably the only ones that will make me leave a room... >.>

7.    I talk really fast. You know that Eminem rap song, 'rap god?'. I'm pretty much like that daily, except without all of the rhythm and such...

8.   I have a bad habit of talking to inanimate objects. There have been many times when I've yelled at a computer for crashing, or gave a dying pen a pep talk. I just blame it on boredom... (^.^)


 9.   I was almost kidnapped once. This guy with a huge van (not white...) pulled up and asked if I wanted to try some candy to help his 'candy truck business.' Me, being the oblivious nine year old I was, agreed. Before I got to close though, thankfully my friend's mom came over and started yelling at him and hitting him in the face. She was a construction worker, so he didn't stand a chance... I still look at vans a bit weirdly to this very day....

10.    Whenever I look at something I've written, I find it hard to imagine that someone else has read it... I'm just like, 'Oh, Wattpad. You've made a mistake with the number of reads! It's five, not five thousand...'

11.    I originally joined Wattpad because I had nothing to read. I wasn't too involved with fanfiction either. Somehow, in the passing years, my inner Otaku has led me to that genre... XD

12.    Sleeping is my biggest vice. If I had a choice, I'd sleep all day.

13.   I like all of the newer Disney princesses. Don't judge!!! I just like all of the different styles of music and character design. Besides, if I hated them, how would I have gotten through the many nights I've spent babysitting? ^.~

14.   Anime is my favorite type of shows/movies to watch. They're funny, well-drawn, detailed, complex, and a whole mess of other stuff. What's not to like?

15.    I have the humour of a five year old. Sadly. If you yell out a random, strange-sounding word to me at anytime, I will bust out laughing. When the band class found out about it and used it to torture me for days on end, I've gotten better, but only by a little bit.

16.   I can't spell. I once lost a spelling bee on the word 'fall'... The only thing that's gotten me through life is spell check. Without it, you guys would be reading some pretty pathetic stuff...

17.   I love goats, cats and red pandas. A weird combination, I know, but I can't help it!!! A goat once tried to eat my hair, making me almost die from cute-ness, and cats are just so... catty XD. Red pandas are cute, remind me of Gaara (yes, I am his fangirl) and are actually kind of smart. ^_^

18.   I'm very fickle. My favorite song genre changes weekly, and my favorite anime changes monthly. I don't even have a legit OTP because I keep changing it... DX. At the moment, it's soulxmaka, or makaxcrona. No idea.... >.> (though they're both Soul Eater related.)

19.   No one in non-internet life knows I write fanfictions. If they did, they'd either laugh or force me to delete it all. So I've got to be really careful when and how I update! X3

20.   I get bored easily. Very rarely can something hold my attention for more than ten minutes... I don't know if it's ADHD or what, but I can't concentrate on something for too long before I start feeling extreme boredom. Ah, well. ^_^

There's the challenge! Who knew it was so hard to do? I felt like I knew nothing about myself... >.>

The people/person I nominate is in the comments!

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