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There it was.

The Earth Dragon Araba.

The dragon was a massive monster, towering above me and fixing its serpentine gaze, glowing with almost human intelligence. It had some type of horrible aura around it, making fear root me in place, unable to move. Jutting out from the dragon's shoulders was cluster of strange red crystals that reminded me of rubies and a large spiraled off-white horn, like a mystical unicorn, sprouting from its head. The quadrupedal dragon was equipped with deadly red claws on each massive foot, blue scales coating its body with unbreakable defenses. The light of its last attack glittered in the air and spilled from its maw, lined with wicked fangs.

Araba opened its mouth to draw in the scents around it, though the monster probably already knew I was here. It had a few perception skills. After a moment, the majestic dragon turned around, its large red tail held close to its side. Something was going to happen, my Foresight told me, the double image showing the dragon stopping.

It did. And a second later, it zeroed in on my hiding spot from behind the rock, its yellow gaze glittering with intelligence - almost human.

Almost too fast to see, Araba's tail lashed out like a whip, or struck like a club, smashing through the labyrinth wall like paper. The big hole left behind was huge, spanning about half a mile deep. The aftershock alone was enough to bring down rock from the hole leading to the Upper Stratum, some landing a bit too close for comfort.

If one hit me, I would be crushed. My eight legs were glued in place. I think literally.

Large boulders began to fall down from the ceiling, shattering when they hit the floor. Bits of rock showered my body, but with my Pain Migration, I barely felt it.


I woke up.

Cursing, I covered my face with my legs, my body trembling. It was a dream. Oh god-

-not god, because D wouldn't care. I don't know about Black.

But still... I-

Tears welled up in my eight eyes and spilled onto the labyrinth floor. My vision was blurry as I was unable to contain my emotions. Dammit.

I curl up tightly for a long time, my breathing labored, too scared to move. Araba was... on another level. Well, D and Black were too, but they didn't seem hostile. Though, D was a self proclaimed "Evil God", so maybe she was a threat. She probably was laughing during the fight. But that dragon - it was definitely out for me. It was... horrifying.

Not even when fight the Fire Drake was I so scared. Not even against the monkeys.

My breathing became shallow and rapid, my sides fluttering as I struggled to inhale a breath. After a long, long time, I finally struggled to move and unclench my legs. My stamina was getting low from all of that panicking.

<Proficiency has reached the required level.>

<[Fear Resistance LV 8] has become [Fear Resistance LV 9].>


Yeah, it was about time that leveled up.

I wonder if I'll get a fear nullification skill when it hits level 10.

Why? Why was I still having nightmares about that? I had slain the Earth Dragon, sunk my scythe into its body and watched as it dissolved away. There wasn't even anything left. That dumb dragon had just given up - the coward.


I shut my eyes as angry tears well up and streak down my face. My breathing became slightly labored after a moment, and I shook my head.

Stupid little dragon, I thought to myself. Or, mother thought, heck if I knew. My parallel minds were keeping her mostly at bay. Some thoughts slipped through.

Go away...

There were still Earth Dragons on the prowl other than Araba, but it was the strongest of them. Maybe if I could separate that duo... Probably not, huh.

I didn't even feel that happy about it.

Probably should have figured defeat Araba wasn't going to solve my nightmare problem.

I'll just try to get some sleep...

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