Ch. 1

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Natasha woke up to light kisses being peppered over her bare shoulder. With the sun lighting up their room and Steve's warm chest against her back, she smiled. Rolling over, she blinked up at Steve and received a short, sweet kiss in response. She buried her face in his chest and he chuckled, a sound that echoed through his chest and caused her to shake as well.

"Good morning, baby,"  he said. She just moaned and hugged him.  She didn't care how late or early it was, staying in bed was always a good idea.  Steve, however, seemed to think otherwise as he tried to slip out of her grasp.

"No,"  she whined, wrapping her arms around him tighter.  She wrapped her legs around him as well in an attempt to prevent him from moving, but it was no use when she was half asleep.  Steve kissed her temple and gently unwrapped her arms from around him.

"I'm going to go make breakfast,"  he told her. She huffed but let him slide out of bed.  Once he was gone, she decided she didn't like staying in bed as much as she thought she did.  She slid out of bed, fixing her tank top so it wasn't twisted, and followed Steve downstairs.

It'd been five years since they'd quit the Avengers.  Five years since they'd defeated Thanos once and for all and decided they were done with the world saving thing.  They deserved peace after all they'd been through and they finally had it. Tony had helped them find a nice house in the countryside of upstate New York, only ten minutes away from the Compound, and the team had all helped them move in.  Steve and Natasha still helped them train, but they no longer went on missions. Much to Natasha's surprise, she discovered she didn't mind the simple life as much as she thought she would. She rather enjoyed it.

"What's for breakfast?"  she asked, making a beeline for the coffee machine.  Steve had already set out her cup so all she had to do was pour coffee into it.  She walked up behind Steve, wrapping an arm around his waist and using her other one to hold her coffee mug.  Steve was busy frying eggs, but he moved his arm so she could duck under and snuggle closer.

"Tony and Pepper are coming over in a couple hours,"  Steve reminded her. Natasha glanced at the clock on the stove and was surprised to find it was nearly 9:00 in the morning.

"Are they bringing Morgan?"  Natasha asked. Steve turned off the stove and Natasha moved out of his way so he could grab two plates.

"I don't think so,"  he replied. Natasha took another sip of her coffee then set it on the counter so she could take both plates from Steve.  "They said something about leaving her with Rhodey so we could all go out."

"We're going out?  I thought they were just coming over for lunch,"  Natasha said. Steve shrugged and set the empty frying pan in the sink.

"We'll see what the plan is when they get here,"  he said, taking his plate from Natasha and trading her for a fork.  "Things change."

"Yes, they do,"  Natasha agreed. They sat at the counter to eat instead of the table, chatting quietly and taking their time.  They didn't have any plans for the day other than having Tony and Pepper over, but that wasn't for another two hours.  It only took twenty minutes for them to finish their breakfast and while Steve did the dishes, Natasha took a shower and changed.

She wasn't sure if they were going to end up going into town, so she grabbed a pair of jean shorts and one of Steve's shirts.  She tucked the front of his shirt in her jeans then walked back downstairs to find Steve. He wasn't in the kitchen and didn't respond when she called him, so she checked outside.  Sure enough, he was standing on the edge of the porch, looking across the large backyard. She quietly slid the glass door open and walked up behind him.

"Hello,"  she said softly, wrapping her arms around him from behind and kissing his shoulder blade.  He twisted around so he was facing her and wrapped his arms around her waist. He kissed her temple then smiled down at her.

"Is this my shirt?"  he asked, lightly tugging on it behind her.  She grinned and he rolled his eyes. "You know you have your own clothes to wear, right?"  he teased.

"I like yours better,"  she replied. Steve chuckled and cupped her face gently.

"I like them better on you anyway,"  he told her. He kissed her slowly, drawing it out and pulling back each time she tried to deepen it.  She huffed in frustration as he pulled back just enough their lips weren't touching. "I love you," he whispered, pressing his forehead against her.

"Then fucking prove it,"  she growled, still annoyed with him for teasing her.

She yelped in surprise when Steve's hands moved from her face to under her thighs.  He lifted her up and smashed his lips against her, causing her eyes to widen in surprise.  Her arms went around his neck subconsciously and drew him closer to her. Steve pressed her against the wall of the house and Natasha's arms tightened around his neck as she stumbled, almost losing her footing when he set her down so abruptly.  He was rarely rough with her, so she was caught off guard.

"We have an hour, yeah?"  Steve asked, kissing her hard enough she didn't have the breath to reply. 

With or without her response, he certainly made use of the one hour they had.

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