The Date Gone Wrong.

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May 31st, Friday

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May 31st, Friday.
The Date Gone Wrong.

Two days past by in a freaking flash. It was Friday before I knew it!

I didn't sleep last night, I was too excited about starting my new job, but surprisingly I wasn't tired. I was also excited about my date... That's not really a date.

I was showered and dressed way before I even needed to leave. I packed myself some lunch, tied my hair up over and over again to the point where it was perfect and not a strand was left out. I was excited but also a little nervous.

I left when I needed to, with a back pack on, catching a lift with a security guard. Deciding then and there that I needed to invest in a bike or something that I could ride, especially if this was going to work out. I'd work my way up to a car eventually, but I can't stand catching lifts and being escorted around by security guards all day anymore.

I thanked the driver, nervously entering the shop as the front door was open, but the sign was flipped to closed.

"Hello?" I said just loud enough as my voice echoed through the room.

I looked around, finding an office area, which was just a desk area, and a few waiting chairs sitting by the window. The walls were all grey with a few cute posters of little kids dancing professionally. It was cute, but could certainly need some color and looked new a bit of a make-over.

"Sydney is that you?" I heard a voice echo through the place back to me.

"Yeah, that's me." I answered back nervously.

I took a few steps forward, looking to the left of the reception desk, seeing a large open area with a dance floor. As I took a fe snore steps I could see one of the walls was covered with a mirror.

Suddenly, from no where, appeared a lady walking over to me. So I put on my best smile possible.

"Hi! I'm Kehlani!" She said excitedly.

A little too excitedly.

"Hi Kehlani." I chuckled slightly.

She already seems way too enthusiastic for me.

"So uh... I guess I'll start off by showing you around." She smiled and turned around. waving me behind the desk.

Kehlani showed me around the studio, which wasn't much. Besides the waiting area and large space which turns out was the main dance area, there were two doors beside each other on the opposite side of the mirrors. Behind these two doors, were a storage room in one, and a small staff area in the other.

The storage room needed cleaning badly. And the staff room contained a little kitchenette thing, and a second door which was the emergency exit which lead out to the back alleyway.

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