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Mark is waken up the next morning to texts flooding his phone. Groaning, he glances at his phone screen to see his friends trying to get his attention. Picking up his phone, he goes to tap out a message when Tommy's name flashes on the caller ID. Mark answers immediately.

"What do you guys want?" He asks groggily, propping himself up in bed as sunlight streams in through the window.

"We hear you got a truck now. So, Mark Lee, you're taking us out for the day." Tommy says, a grin on his voice.

"I promised my mom I'd help out at the paper." Mark says, and Tommy fakes a snore.

"Boring." Tommy grumbles. "Come hang with us! We barely hung out at the park the other day, before you went back to mommy dearest. I'm sure she'll do alright without you - she's been without you for eight years."

Mark sighs. "How long we talking?"

"All day, duh. Breakfast at Arby's, then back to ours for a drink, and a smoke or two. Sound good?"

"You know I have to drive, right?"

"Alright, I'll give you only light beers. Or, I'll have your old girl keep an eye on ya. Sound fair?"

Mark sighs, hesitating before giving his answer. "Fine. Where should I come get you?"

"I'll text you the address. See you in an hour, Markie."

Tommy hangs up, and Mark sighs again as he gets himself out of bed. Taking a quick shower and getting dressed, Mark heads downstairs with his keys and phone in hand. His mother is already up, dressed ready for work and waiting for him.

"Ah, Mark. There you are. Ready to go?"

"Yeah, mom." Mark runs a hand awkwardly through his hair, giving her an equally awkward smile. "Tommy just called. He wants us all to hang out today. Can I take a rain-check?"

His mom frowns, but, is understanding. "Alright, honey. Just be careful, alright? Be home by the time it gets dark, I don't want you out there alone drunk on God knows what."

"Okay. Thanks, mom. Work hard today, alright? But, not too hard!" Mark kisses his mother goodbye before heading out to the driveway, getting into his truck. Checking the address Tommy sent him, Mark punches it into the navigation app on his phone before he sets off.

In the inner city is a small, industrial apartment complex. Mark pulls up outside, and sends Tommy a text to let him know he was outside. After a few minutes, his friends walk out of the complex and head towards him.

"Shotgun!" Tommy calls out, heading for the passenger seat. The other three friends grumble as they head up into the truck's bed, sitting down and holding onto the edge as Mark pulls out of the space and they're on the move again.

"Ooh, Mark. I love the truck." Tommy says, nudging his friend in the arm. "You look so manly driving it."

"Shut up, Tom." Mark chuckles. "Where's your license?"

"Some cop took it because maybe I was driving whilst only slightly high." Tommy confesses. "Damn narc. But, I don't care about not having a car. It ruins the planet."

"Ruins your chances of getting laid, too." Will pipes up from the back, and Tommy gives him the middle finger through the rear-view mirror. Will retaliates, and Mark speaks up.

"No fighting in my truck, please."

"Okay, dad." Tommy rolls his eyes playfully. The friends spend the drive to the nearest Arby's talking, laughing and joking away. Pulling up, the friends head inside and order, where they continue to laugh, talk and joke away. Even on the drive back to the friends' complex, they were doing just that.

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