My heart is heavy . My mind cloudy . My vision blurry . Im running into brick walls and crashing into the unknown . But without you i feel nothing . Why is it so hard to let go . Why can't i just stop the feel . Why is this so impossible . Once upon a time you were the blood that ran through my veins . The oxygen i needed to survive . The heart that kept my body going . But all of that has changed . What are you now . A god forsaking knife that has pierced my heart over and over . You are the poison that rans through my veins . Draining me of all oxygen . Stopping my heart from ever beating once more . But somehow Im still here . With no breath in me . With no heart in me . With no soul in me . I continue to live . I live off of nothing and for less . I live for lust . Just the temporary satisfaction i get from ones temporary affection . But its not the love that i desire from you . So when it comes to an end . My heart decays within seconds once more . Your the sweetest of poisons . A breath of fresh suffocation . The only life to my perishing soul . I feel the dissatisfaction to never be able to love another again . Because i am dead . 365 plus days I've been dead . Living life as a zombie . Deprived of everything . Even myself . Why do i still long for your love even your lust when your so unworthy of me . Why must i never give up . Why must i love too much . Why have you betrayed my heart