Party Crasher

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Pairings; YokoxOC and KuronuexOC

Rated: M

Setting: Maikai

Disclamer: I don’t own Yu Yu Hakusho or the toons…

The streets were busy as all kinds of demons ranking S to E walked the city like streets. This large city was carved out of the very forest itself, some trees, as buildings, stood atleast ten stories tall; Ki Kara Ichi is what demons called this place. Aleast for those who simply lived in this group of trees for their own protection from the mindless predators of the dark forest that lingered behind the protective barrior….

Small balls of dark energy acted as street lamps as they floated aimlessly in the sky and some even flowed certain demons of higher rank. The city was fairly loud due to the constant beating of feet, claws, and hoofs on the gravel paths that lead around the city. Shop keeps calling out to passersby; selling gold, jewels, food, magics and other rarities… For most of these merchants and ‘rarities’ the city went by another name, Kurai Yokubo; dark desire. Anything an everything could be bought and sold on the dusty streets. There was no discrimination on who could buy or sell here if they had the cash or the trade, one could have anything that they desired on these forsaken streets.

‘Protection’ for these demons came at a price through. They all had to pay a price wether it was money or personal collateral. It is said that some demons would even bare children to only give them to the king of this city as offerings. This person called himself  Yokubo no Oja; King of Desire. His true name very few knew many, that didn’t want to lose their heads to an S ranked demon, merely called him Oja-dono. His true name was Ryuu Shun, he is a master puppeteer.

Per the usual you could find the king in the largest thickest tree, this ‘royal’ tree as the other demons so dubbed it, canopy covered half of the city it’s grey branches stretching far out shading most of the city from the bright orange sun. It’s blue leaves let out a soft light that created the barrior around the city.  

Two large double doors where carved out of the center of the main tree, The double door way was arched into a wide ‘U’ shape. The door was outlined in a dark royal purple that fanned out in curved lines towards the center of the doors. However these lines were cut off by four giant orange and red like tails, four on each door making it a total of eight tails in all. All the tails were circled in flames.

This resembled the Eight tailed fire fox of legend, the ancient ruler of this forest. It was strange to see for the demons however. Their Oja-dono was a dragon like beast, the full nine yards, black scales tipped a mid-night blue, a bi-pedal creature reaching a height over 11’ feet as it stood on its hine legs. He kept his face human like except the four horns protruding out of the top of his head; straight up for about 3 inches then straight back another 6 inches the ends of the horns shrinking until they were needle like points. The human face had medium blue skin with golden snake like eyes black outlined the eyes then when down his cheeks in one small line.

It so happened that a large merchant caravan was coming into the city today, slave lizard demons of a variety of colors were pulling the large carts in packs of four. The wooden carts creaked and moaned with the weight of the goods they were carring. The large double doors slowly opened letting the large caravan into the kings’ ‘throne room’. The tapestries that huge from the 20 foot ceiling were dark blue and black standing out against the grey color of the wood. Dutchman’s pipe and jazmin vines littered the floor running their way up the walls and trellises. A large runner went from the doors to the foot of the large throne. The throne itself looked completely out of place. It was made from onyx and tigerwood two very rarely found materials.

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