The move in:/

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"EWwWwWwn!!Roaches!" Screamed the teenagers as they walked into their new apartment. A roach ran across the floor, it was yellow and crusty.
"THIS APARTMENT IS SHIT!" Screamed Margo! Yea but it only cost us $600 a month so suck it up said Ocean! They unpacked their stuff at midnight because they are weird. Ocean and Imogen share a room and Margo has her own room. It's only a 2 bedroom apartment. Once they unpacked they went to sleep.Woop Woop!

Margo: A beautiful dirty blond teen with extra sass;) Loves talking to boys and Partying!! Best known for wearing awesome crop tops(lucky)

Imogen: A brown haired girl who loves to draw(seriously she's like super good at it) loves music and dancing. And loves vintage style clothing. Also loves animals...monkeys..!

Ocean: A brown haired girl who is a mix of "lady" and "Rebel"!! (Mostly rebel;)) loves to dance and drive with loud music. Also loves her cat very much❤️❤️
The next day Imogen was the first one up, today was the day that she got to pick out her pet monkey!! Ocean wasn't to happy about the monkey..she didn't need a monkey pooping all over her stuff! But she already warned Imogen that if that monkey got close to her and her cat or her stuff "IT IS OUTA HERE!"...oh yea...Ocean has a cat. The best cat even so cute and fluffy and fat and cuddly!!!❤️❤️ she loved her cat.
Once all the girls woke up they walked to Imogen's car like zombies. No one had gotten much sleep last night sense like went to sleep at 1:00 and their neighbours were super loud:(
They drove across the whole city to get to the pet store, they better have a monkey.
1 hour later the girls Walked out of the store with a baby monkey. "I do have to admit, it is so cute" said Ocean. "Told you" said Imogen. Margo walked off the sidewalk starring at her phone almost getting hit by a car. BEEEEEEEEEEPPPPP!! GET OUT OF THE ROAD LADY!! Screamed a angry driving as Ella Finally looked up from her phone to stick up the middle finger 🖕 at the angry driver.
Once the girls got back to their apartment Ocean and Margo started chatting about a creep on Snapchat while Imogen unpacked her monkey and it's belongings. Ocean ordered some pizza from Post-mates. Ocean was a vegetarian 🌱 but Imogen and Margo ate "normally". They were having supper early because Margo was having a bOoOoooooOoOy over later tonight. When there pizza came the girls feasted in it, it was delicious! Ocean and her veggie pizza and Margo and Imogen with their pepperoni pizza. The finished up then Margo went for a shower before the boOoOooOy came;)
While Margo was talking a shower Ocean and Imogen stalked Pinterest and Instagram
Their first whole life.

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