The boOoooOoy

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Margo got out of the shower and did her makeup 💄
Ocean and Imogen we're still on Pinterest looking at hair styles. Margo put on her sexy crop top and shorty short shorts. Imogen was uncomfortable. ya Margo left to go to the club to meet her BooOooy!
When she got the club she showed her fake ID and got herself a dry Vodka. 10 minutes later Margo's date showed up, they talked flirted and danced all night. Then they headed back to the girls apartment 😏.....
*************************************************As soon as the got back to the apartment Margo went to the bathroom to get some...stuff😏 she told Zachary (who has a slight British accent) to wait in the living room. When she came back from the bathroom he was gone. DUNN DUNN DUNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN!! Margo looked around the living room and kitchen for Zachary but he was not there. Just then there was a loud scream coming from Ocean and Imogen room.
Margo ran to their room to see Zachary climing in bed with Imogen!!! Imogen was screaming and kicking him in the NUTS! He still tried to keep getting in the bed, then Ocean woke up and ran over and hit him over the head with her study book.
Imogen monkey ran out of the cage and started biting Zachary's face off. Everybody was freaking out! Margo Screamed "stop" "STOP BITCH" and he froze. Everyone froze then Ocean grabbed Zachary and threw him out of the apartment "don't come back creep"! No one slept for the rest of the night they all just sat in Imogens room eating leftover pizza crust. 

************************************************* (two weeks later) 
The girls woke up sweaty and crusty, the air conditioner broke last night and everyone in the apartment was freaking out. They Opened all the windows they could and turned on all the fans. It was terribly hot 🥵.  Ocean went for a cold shower while Margo and Imogen stood in front of the freezer . When Ocean got out of the shower Margo went for one. Imogen and Ocean took a walk down to the front desk to ask about the air conditioners. The cranky ass landlord said "they will be fixed by tonight🙄🙄" "she was cranky" said Imogen as they walked up the stairs back to their room.
Once all the girls had cold showers 🚿 they got into Oceans car and drove to the Super Market where there was air conditioning.
They roamed around the store enjoying the cool air, they stopped at the frozen section to pick up 2 boxes of popsicles. They also picked up a jar of pickles, frozen pizza, salad mix, bananas, cucumber, bread, juice and popcorn. "That should last us a week" said Margo as they were carrying their boxes of groceries to the car. As soon as they walked out of the store the hot summer heat hit them on the face.

When they got back to the apartment they unpacked their groceries they turned on Netflix and sat down with 3 popsicles each. 🍡
*************************************************It was now 5:00pm and the air conditioning still hadn't been fixed. It had cooled off some but still was to hot to do most anything.

Finally at 7:00pm the air conditioning was fixed and the apartment started to cool off!
At 9:00pm the room was fully cooled off and they ordered some post-mates.  McDonalds tonight 🍟
They ate and went to bed..

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2019 ⏰

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