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Rachelle: Okay, I know this story is supposed to be completed, but a friend of mine got angry cause I didn't write her OTP, so here's a bonus chapter so she stops yelling at me!

Rachelle: Okay you guys, today we're reacting to Linny!

Ginny: Uh...first of all, I thought the Remadora chapter was the last one! Why are we back again?

Rachelle: Because you and Luna are some peoples OTP, and one of the Linny shippers is mad at me, so what do you think of Linny?

Harry: Its kinda cute to be honest, Ginny and Luna are pretty good friends.

Hermione: That's true, but I don't know...I just don't ship it very much, I kinda do, but I kinda don't.

Luna: Ginny is one of my best friends of course, but I only really see her as a friend.

Ginny: I have to agree with Luna there.

Draco: Why should I care if Loony Lovegood and the Weasel girl are a good couple?

Rachelle: Just shut up and tell me what you think.

Draco: Fine! I'll admit, I do ship it, can I go now?

Rachelle: No

Draco: Damn it

Rachelle: What about you Neville? What do you think?

Neville: It's cute, but I just don't ship it personally.

Rachelle: And that's perfectly fine if you don't ship it, Fred, George? What about you guys?

Fred: I

George: kinda

Fred: like

George: this

Fred: ship,

George: kinda

Rachelle: Enough with the twin talk, get on with it!

Fred: Oh we were already done.

George: Yeah, we can do it again though if you want us to!

Rachelle: Silencio

Rachelle: I missing someone?

Ron: Hello! I'm right here you know?

Rachelle: Hm...did anyone else hear that?

Hermione: Hear what?

Ron: Are you kidding me? -_-

Rachelle: Okay, I don't think we're missing anyone


Rachelle: Alright, fine...what do you think of Linny Ron?

Ron: No, I'm not telling you what I think until you and Mione apologize for ignoring me!

Rachelle: Here, Ron...I'm sorry, have a a gillywater

Ron: Thanks, that wasn't so hard *drinks truth potion*

Ron: Okay...Mione, apologize and I will tell you what I think

Rachelle: Ron...what do you think of Linny?

Ron: I like it, not my OTP, but a close second

Ron: Wait...why did I tell you that?!

Harry: What did you put into his drink Rachelle?

Rachelle: Veritaserum, aka truth juice

Ron: Dang it!

Rachelle: Well...that's all for now! I'm thinking about doing a few more ships, should I continue this book?  Oh and thanks for 3k reads btw! I didn't expect this to get many views at all! Thank you to everyone who reads my crappy writing

Harry Potter Characters React To ShipsWhere stories live. Discover now