T H I R T Y - S I X

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The following morning we both were up early. Trevor was about to head to his place to get ready for work and I was up getting ready for class. After my shower I walk back to my bedroom and Trevor was looking at his phone. He looked annoyed and I walk to my dresser.

"You okay?" I ask.

"Blake's texting me" he says and I glance back at him.


"She's my date to the work meeting or party, I don't even know what to call it anymore" he says.


"Yea, we planned this before you and I... you know"

"No, it's fine. I'll just bring Desi"

"Yea, I don't..." Trevor starts. He doesn't continue his sentence and I turn around to look at him. He was looking at me concerned.

"What?" I ask as he stands up.

"What happened to your back?" he ask.


"Your back, you got this big ass yellow, purple bruise on your back Camari"

"Chill..." I laugh and he stares at me.

"I fell"

"You... fell?"

"Yea, on one of those bike ramps on campus. It was embarrassing" I said and he stares at me. I take a deep breath and shake my head.

"You lying to me?" he said and I don't respond. "Cam what happened to your back?"

"Trevor... I'm fine. Just let it go okay? Please" I said stepping up to him planting my lips on his. I pull back and he stares at me. He shakes his head and steps back.

"I'll call you later?" he says.

"Okay" I said. He puts his phone in his pocket and kisses my forehead before leaving out my room. I turn around in the mirror to look at the bruise on my back and shake my head.

This week was zooming by. Trevor and I met for lunch three times this week and it felt good. I know we've known each other for basically my whole life but I still get butterflies. Like this whole ass man. His face, his body, his eyes, this is all mine. And mine only.

"So if Breenan and Nia break up, he's basically fair game, right?" Desi says. It was Thursday, and we had ordered food and were at our dorm. Trevor and I look over at Desi and she smiles.

"You serious?" I ask.

"I mean yea... I know he cheated but I mean Trevor cheated too and you're dating him" Desi says.

"Damn Desi... chill" Trevor say.

"All I'm saying is... how long is he going to be mourning Nia before he's ready again?" Desi says and I roll my eyes when she laughs. "Are we still buying a dress tomorrow, Aria wants to know?"

"Yea, I get out of class at four" I answer.

"And can Aria come to Nia's dumb-ass party tomorrow?" Desi says.

"Bring her" Trevor laughs.

"I thought you said you didn't want to go?" I ask.

"Yea but then I realize I had nothing better to do and I'm coming for the food" Desi says and we laugh. "Trevor are you nervous?" Desi ask and I look at him. He looks down at me then at Desi.

"Nervous about? Nia's party? Not at all"

"No about your presentation on Saturday"

"Oh. Umm... not really. I mean... not really the presentation part" he says. "Blake really prepared us so..."

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