~Part two~

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Chapter uno;


I slumped my way into McDonald's somehow, after walking about a half-mile. 'Why did I walk a half mile,' I kept asking myself. But then I would answer myself, 'Oh yeah. Because you ran away, and don't have a car.' Then that was the end of my conversation with myself.

I did have about 500 dollars in my backpack with me, but I knew that I would have to find a way to get money, and then to settle down. A hotel for a few nights wouldn't be terrible, but I needed a job and fast.

I tiredly pulled on the door that said push, just like I always did. Whoops. As soon as I took a step in, I ran face first into someone's chest.


I landed on the ground and my head hit the side if the door. Seeing stars for a few seconds, I tried my best to see who I ran into.

A guy. He was a lot taller than me, which explains why my head hit his chest. He had dark black quaffed up hair and dark brown eyes. He looked like he was trying his best not to laugh. How sweet. He had three guys standing behind him absolutely having no shame in laughing and pointing like maniacs at me. But the fourth boy was rushing to my side and helping me up. Hmm. OK.

He lifted his hand out to me and I took it, pulling myself up. He looked genuinely concerned. That's a first.

"Are you alright?" Suddenly I felt so caught in his blue eyes and the sound of his Irish accent I forgot what I told myself to do in this situation. It took a few seconds, but I finally regained some sense.

"Excusez-moi? Um...no...English?" I did my best to put on a French accent, using my knowledge in French to come up with some words. I tried to act like I had no idea what he was talking about.

"Oh um....you don't speak English. Well that's cool I guess. Hah..." He said trailing off at the end, blushing furiously and rubbing at the back of his neck awkwardly. He obviously had no clue what to do.

I did a short little wave to him indicating I was leaving, and headed over to the counter to which I could order food from. God I'm starving.


So. Where to sleep? I guess I would have to get a motel room for the night? It's hard when you barely have any money and no way to get around. But maybe I could get a cheap motel room. Or an apartment and hope the first month's rent is in my price range? No. I'm too close to my 'home'. If you could call it that.

So now I'm stuck. Even though it is just after breakfast, I need to come up with things before they happen. So with my 500 dollars, I'm going to go rent a motel room. 

While I walked to the cheapest motel I could think of, I kept thinking of the guy back at the Mc Donald's. He seemed...concerned I guess? Maybe? I don't know. Maybe I shouldn't have faked the accent. I probably will never see him again though so YOLO right? Haha. YOLO. That doesn't apply good right now considering I just ran away and the possibilities of me dying are endless. I just wish I could be normal. That I could have good parents, and not a mom that left when I was eight and an abusive father. No siblings. No actual care.

Whenever I shook my depressing thoughts from my head and opened the door to the motel, I might have thought it looked sort of promising. If you closed one eye and tilted your head all the way over. And then closed the other eye too. And pinched your nose shut. Tightly.

But nevertheless I was at the front desk asking for a single bedroom for one or two nights and how much it cost.

The shady guy who was about 40 something with grey hair, a pencil mustache with a beard, and a potbelly just snarled at me.

"Seventy dollars for one night. And your source of ID?"

I wasn't sure if I cursed out loud, or in my head but either way was dandy right at the moment because I had no ID. I was old enough, but I just never got around to getting one.

When I opened my mouth to speak, I was cut off by some blue eyes and an Irish accent.

"She'll be with me." I received a wink with that statement and I watched as he handed over his ID to the guy and his credit card. He got it swiped and checked, and then leaned in and whispered to me, "I don't want to have to follow you again to make sure you're French but if I have to I will."

And with that he turned around and walked out of the motel.


So that's the end!

Are you ready to kill me yet? Not yet? Well NOW you should be, because this is a TWO-SHOT and i'm ending it right here. So kill me now. I'm ready.

Sorry? ~J

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