The Knowledge Attained and Lost

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  I gasped, slowly coming to my senses. Where am I? Who was that voice speaking to me. YOU'RE DEAD!  You have to be! I mean, you cannot move. You're infected, you are going to become a savage and kill others. I will enjoy this thoroughly.  


        "You were only in there for like 8 sim years dude. That's only fifth-teen minutes here." Said a unknown voice. It startled me and took me out of my hallucinations. "Are you infected?" I demand instinctively. What am I in. Am I blind folded? No, I see light trickling through cracks. I'm in a box. I hear the sound of air escaping something. Light blinds me. I look at my body and notice wires and nodes attached to me. "Where am I, please. I don't know anything!" I said.

        "I know. Chill. Now. Okay, You're name is Dean. Look at this, and eat this." The hispanic teen said. He was holding the reflective object I saw earlier. I carefully look at his other hand and notice a glossy meat. I carefully take it and eat it. It all comes back when I look back at the mirror.

        What I am in right now is a simulation device. I am in a program for super soldiers known as A.C.O.R.N. Or more formally, Any Combat Occasion Readily Navigable. It re-slates memory, leaving all memory, some select memories, or no memory at all according to the sim's demands. A few previous simulations are as followed, World War Three, nuclear accident, polar shift, and alot of battle sims. Battle sims are my favorite due to the fact they leave skills you already know, to fight. It was to create the perfect army. That can fight and preserve under any situation. I was in one of the many biological disaster sims. As my partner Jake had said, I am Dean. I am fourteen.

        I look to the mirror, and see I am how I was. Scarless, Cleanly shaven, black hair, blue eyes, and an emotionless look. "Jake. Get me out of here, if you will." I said. I watched and look down, at my skin tight suit. It is a one piece all black spandex type clothing. It can be changed to anything in a sim to match environments. Water proof in real life, and it may only be changed colors in outside sim world.    "Hey bro, good job, damn mirrors." Jake said. I look at him, tall, fit, tan, black hair, black eyes. Very goofy. I consider him a friend, whatever that may mean. "Yeah well, it is only 2014. Technology like this is completely unknown, so programmers are left at what it was originally when these advanced tanning machines were built." I said. That is basically what they look like, advanced tanning machines.

        After he unplugs the machine, takes off the nodes, and says the go ahead to get out. I am out. We were all chosen, and pretty much stolen, right after birth. Blank minds to warp. I looked at Jake as I slowly stood up. The room was all white, the room looked as if it were a doctors office. Only an advanced computer, the machine, and energy saving lights are in the room. Jake's face warped into a devilish smile. "What is it?" I ask. "Two hundred on two hundred battle, yo the whole regiment. Gonna be sick. From what I hear, this time it's medieval. Amped." He said very enthusiastically as if he were  "amped".

  "Seems exciting."

"That's because it is bro. But be ready within fifth-teen, I cannot be your operator on this one. The adults are operating every ones, so all us kids get a chance. An adult? Crazy isn't it? Haven't seen one in months!"

    "Sure."  And with that, I go get a drink. As I type the pass code into the door's control panel, 2312, I hear a mutter of, "Party pooper." I say, "Now Jake, be careful where you tread, that sim taught me many things.. Among those things, is how to kill someone with only a keyboard. Quite convenient that you are in front a keyboard. Is it not?" The doors slide open and I am walking out. I look down the hall to the left, to the right, up, down. All white, save for the steel doors every 5 feet. I swear if there wasn't gravity you would not be able to tell the ceiling from the floor.  I walk to the vending machine. Made of steel. Only one button. No money required. It spits out mineral water. "Exciting" I mutter. I look at the receiving slot. I look at my shoes. Combat boots. I pickup the water bottle and head towards my simulator. Seventy feet later, azah. My door with my name on it. No repeating first names here at the A.C.O.R.N. facility. I drink my water and throw it into the steel container labeled, oh so accurately, mineral water. How exciting. They must know the future here, wait. That's all there is. Funny.

        2312. I typed it in. This time in, Jake has moved to his simulator. One door to my left. Knock Knock. I open the door, and am confronted by a female, 5'3'', a few inches shorter than me. She is wearing a suite. Black and white. "Now, Dean is it? You can call me Rose. I will be your sim operator." She said with an enthusiastic smile, expecting an excited response. "Awesome Rose. You can call me by Dean. Congratulations! You get to watch four hundred teens kill each-other on a screen. Another day in the office, how exciting. My favorite part is how pain is still felt in the simulator, what's yours?" I said. She paled. "Please, step into the simulator, and close your eyes while I attach the nodes." She said, business like this time.

        I close my eyes and hear the simulator lid close. " Simulation commencing in three, two, one..."


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2015 ⏰

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