Whole Group:
Alli, Alex, Dark, Izzy, Cathy, and cornered Blood.Cathy>Blood:
Cathy is shorter than Izzy but taller than Blood.
\\Nally's Drawin' Book, Vol. 1// ||| [{"OC's & Sketches + Writings"}]
DiversosThis is a book about my Imagination, Fantasies, and Creativity. There will be no more Series', and if I deny any requests its either I don't wanna do them or I forgot or I cant to it. I update whenever I want to but if I promise it and it comes aft...
Heights for NaJ!TTED and Their Hair Down: Taller-Smaller
Whole Group:
Alli, Alex, Dark, Izzy, Cathy, and cornered Blood.Cathy>Blood:
Cathy is shorter than Izzy but taller than Blood.