2:02 A.M.

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"Liam I can't do this!" I shout terribly clutching my knees in pain. Panting and sweat pouring down my body in agony.

"You can because your smart, beautiful, and strong, you are going to make the perfect mother for her. You can do this." He whispers in my ear, he stands up behind me and then slides in behind me fully clothed still in his lounging clothes. He opens my legs and brings them back for me and I grunt when the next contraction arises and I let out an awful yelp.

"Okay Kali when you can I need you to push." Kami says soothingly shining a light into the pool, I grunt against his chest, I just can't do this. Leaning my head back on Liam's shoulder I push down on the contraction hissing terribly but feel no progress. Wrapping my arms around his neck, I put my chin to my chest and push down again struggling terribly, my whole body shaking with the mass of my baby trying to come. "Kali breathe!" Lori snaps to me, making me instantly take a break to breathe huffing and puffing leaning against Liam.

"You can do this, come on, you can do this." Liam encourages me, feeling the contraction spike I lift my head up pushing down again, moaning loudly. Pushing as hard as I can with my eyes shut and focused I feel her tiny head begining to emerge. Taking a small breath I push down again getting more courage to do this. I feel her slowly coming, tears flowing down my face in pain. "Baby your doing it." Liam whispers in my ear, Lori's hand goes in the water deeper but I dont stop. Feeling her head come more I cry out feeling her slowly slide.

"Breathe Kali!" Lori barks to me, I take a small breath and push even though it's not during a contraction and soon her head just pops out making me jerk back into Liam panting and sweating.

"I'm tired I can't any more." I cry letting my hands fall into the water, the next contraction comes and I try to push but it's not working. But I keep pushing until I feel one of her shoulders emerge. Feeling the pain stretching me farther than what I was built for I gasp grabbing Liam's arms again. Stoping in that awkward position I grunt loudly being vocal because of her being just right there.

"Come on she is so close, your little girl is so close!" Kami cheers giving me the strength to bare down making that shoulder slide free making the next one follow. Cribging horribly I push and push, she feels so big and if she's not I'm gonna cry!

"Liam catch her!" Lori states, Liam let's go of my legs reaching over me I can feel he grabs her softly. I push down feeling her slowly inch outwards, I let out a loud yelp and soon she is free. Blood gushes out in a giant cloud of red in the pool, and soon Aubree is lurched out if the pool and onto my chest. I take a small gasp before I burst into sobs, loud uncontrollable sobs. Laying back on Liam's shoulder I hold her tightly until I hear her loud scream of breath and life making me cry harder.

"My baby!" I sob not even hearing what I just said. Looking down to her Lori places a towel over her body and I grip her through the towel close to my chest tightly. My body shakes terribly now and Liam's arms wrap around to hold her too. Her little hands peak through but I see she doesn't have that finger. What? They said it was back, but I don't care, she's here and healthy and that is all that matters.

"She is so beautiful." Liam whispers stroking her soft head, I guess all that heart burn and acid reflex paid off for me. I try to settle down but I just cant, these hormones are going to stay with me for like a super long time. I look down to her to see her eating her tiny hand I just laugh at how adorable she is.

"Dad, wanna cut the cord?" Kami asks clamping her cord alrready handing him the sissors, he takes them happily and cutting them where they needed it to be. A tiny bit of blood comes out of it but not alot. "Kali could you give us a small push for the amniotic sac?" She asks, I do as she says giving a small push when I feel it leave me along with the rest of the fluid and blood making the water tint darker.

"Aubree Poppy Payne, born August 4, 2014 at 2:02 in the morning. Welcome little girl." Lori says, Ruth and Nicola scoot closer to us and so does Karen. They awe over her terribly looking at how cute she is. But then I notice when they see the missing finger they stop chatting.

"Kali, I am so sorry about her finger." Karen says trying to be sympithetic.

"Its fine its not a disapointment, I have a beautiful and healthy baby girl and I woudnt have done anything different, so its fine she has a missing finger, we already knew." I say stroking her hair.

"But the doctor said it was back?" Liam asks behind me still.

"I know, but he must have been pretty stupid along with me but it doesnt matter it wont change a thing about her. But all I know is I am tired, sore, and dirty and I would like a shower." They all chuckle and thats when I remember, Zayn and Harry are still in the room on our bed looking into the pool.

"You need to feed her first before she sucks her hand off." Karen chuckles lightening the mood more. Harry and Zayn quickly dart to their feet scrambling for the door. Lori takes her carefully while I slip off my sports bra, looking to my stomach I see it still looks like I am heavily pregnant, but soon I will be able to go to the gym.

I slip it off and throw it to the side exposing my large swolen breasts and Lori hands her back carefully and I guide her to her food but she seems to already know where it is because she quickle latches on and feeds violently making me bite my lip from the pain and tenderness of my breasts.

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