[14] You took my heart, could I please have it back?

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OK, I have to give a shoutout to all my faithful fans considering I haven't for a while...so, liliancarmine, Shekinah_V86, Marystar1212, mfterese, Amberxotwilight and evilmindsbloomatnite, thank you!!! For all your support through my 13 chapters of story. And check out their stuff guys, it's BRILLIANT! So...onwards, to chapter 14!

{~Liz POV~}

It only lasted for about two seconds. But in that two seconds I felt a tonne of emotions crash down on me all at once...

I turned to face him, but he was staring at the ground, his face occasionally lit up by the flickering street light behind me - it was bright red. His face, not the light. My mind was in turmoil, I couldn't think straight, all that was going through my mind was 'Alex kissed me...Alex kissed me...'

I was relieved that he hadn't kissed me properly, like on-the-lips properly. I could only assume he had done it on the spur of the moment, though I couldn't think why.

Alex? Liked me? Of all people, he likes me?! Wait...did he like me? Ah, just what I need right now, more confusing people.

"...L-Liz?" I heard Alex stutter. I looked back towards him, he was looking at me again.

"Yeah?" I asked quietly.

"I'm sorry...for...you know. I don't really know...what...uh..." he trailed off, unable to finish his sentence. I felt sorry for him, poor sod, just staring at me with a tomato face.

"It's alright," I said, with a hint, just a very small hint, of a smile. He could be quite sweet, but I just didn't feel that way about him, he was a friend, a very good friend, nothing more.

"Um...pretend nothing happened, OK? It's probably best. I'm sorry, I just...well...see you later," he said in a small voice and turned to walk away.

I caught him - and myself - by surprise when I took a few steps and hugged him. That's what friends do, right? Right? I had no idea, it had been too long since I last had a friend, and watching others certainly didn't help.

He smiled at me and walked away, leaving me standing there with very incoherent thoughts buzzing in my head. I shook my head and sighed - why did the world have to be so confusing to me?

I walked into my house, my mind still reeling in shock. 'Just pretend nothing happened'. Yeah, right, I'm going to forget that, when you just left me more confused than I was. I made myself something to eat, as it was seven o'clock, and then went to bed early, hoping things would be clearer in the morning.


They weren't.

All night my dreams had been haunted by James and Nicola, sneering at me, laughing at me, calling me names and Nicola punching me, then Alex as some sort of knight in shining armour...

Wait - knight in shining armour? Alex? I guess he did kind of give me a respite from my hectic life. So he was, in a way.

I sighed heavily as I stepped out of the door, glaring at the overcast sky. It was always overcast, never sunny. They say the sunshine makes you smile, but I guess nothing would make me smile. I haven't smiled in five years, as weird as it may sound. That was when my life spiralled out of control.

No, I'm not going to elaborate. The Accident...I shuddered as I thought the two words. I arrived at school, near James and his group and saw Nicola, her eyes glaring daggers. No need to be shy, I thought as I glared back.

She mouthed something to me and I cocked an eyebrow, not understanding. I was a terrible lip reader. So she marched right up to me.

"I said, is your face better yet?" she said in a cocky voice.

You took my heart, could I please have it back?Where stories live. Discover now