It's me chapter 2

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Holy guacamole batman. My first sense that came to me was my hearing. Brash voices talking about... Dairy Queen. Wait a second. The next thing that came to me was the feeling of a cool wall at my back and an itchy rope tied around my wrists. 

A butt load of memory and regret dump into my brain and I want to groan at the vivid images of me being an idiot that flash through my hung over head. 

"I'm telling you man if you just asked one more time I think the boss would consider putting a DQ down the street."

"Yea or you know he would shoot me."

"Hey dude you only live once."

Even in my haze I could tell the two men or so I assume were two men guarding me were youngish and... idiots. Ha well they could join the club.  I also felt nothing on my face covering my mouth or eyes. 

Obviously they didn't think I would escape. Well they could go eat a lemon. I kept my breathing even and tried to feel where in the room the guy closest to me was. It took me three slow tortuous minutes but I managed to slide off one of my master heels and the rope around my hands without being detected. 

I noticed that the other one had disappeared. Okay I mean just like do what they do in the hunger games. THIS IS FOR NARNIA! Is my last thought before I jump up and throw my shoe while opening my eyes at the same time. 

I hear before I see a thunk as my shoe hits it's target with accuracy. Any other time I would have high fived myself but this was so not the place or time. The room is vast and appears to be a living room of sort. 

No T.V though. Nope just three couches and a number of victorian looking chairs. Art hangs from the surrounding walls and I spot a winding stair case in my peripheral. One man down. One to go. 

I was correct in my assumption and the man looks no older than thirty. But holy moses he is built like a mountain. And handsome as hell 'Crackers' I mutter. I see two doors. One on his side and one on mine. 

His ash colored eyes are wide but hold no malice like he won't hurt me. Captors are liars. Gosh I should ride a book. I wonder to myself if I could ever to commit to writing a book as I sprint out of the room. Yea on my list of good ideas that was probably... not on it. 

A large dining room sits before me. 5 men of various looks all turn to stare at me but I don't take the time to look to closely at there faces before I'm running past the table and into another room. 

Shouts and scuffling shoes follow me as I find myself in a kitchen. Three maids all turn to gawk at me as I rush past them. I mean like by any degree you could practically call me the flash hell Sonic even. 

"STOP OR WE WILL SHOOT." By the time they have said this I have already busted through the door and find myself face to face with a kid. Dark black hair and dark eyes to match it. His skin is fair and expression icy. 

For a second I swear the kid looks like he is about to pull a gun out and shoot me. He is also coincidentally standing in the door way aka my only way to escape. I turn around. The door swings open and 8+ men come filing in guns trained on me. 

I put up my hands up and do my best to refrain from shaking. Fudgcicles. One of the men shuffle forward in front of the others. Its ash eyes. 

"Your a quick little thing aren't you."

"Your a big little thing aren't you." As soon as I stay the words I have to refrain from slapping myself. God how has no one told me how stupid I was till now. Would have stung my pride but you know a warning might have been nice. 

He stares at me for a looooong second. Before he starts to chuckle. A sound that resigns from deep in his chest. 

"Boss isn't gonna like you at all." 

"Well then I have the perfect solution.."

"We can't let you go."

"Technically you could."

"And what have you go ratting us out to the cops." He snorts. 

"plea.. Let me go this instant. You have no right taking me for I have done nothing wrong."

"Yea except whacking my friend with your heel." I wince.

"Tell him I said sorry." There is more shuffling and than another man who looks vaguely familiar comes barging in. The blood leaking from a cut on his for head and a mammoth heel in his hand is my hint to who he is.

He looks younger than Mountain and has light blond hair and dark green eyes. He looks at me with wild shocked eyes.

"You through a bloody shoe at me." His voice is blurred with a British accent.

"Blimey good throw to." I swallow unsettled by the fact that he doesn't seem to want to shoot me. When I don't say anything he barks an order at the other men in the room and they quickly disperse. 

"I was wondering when you would wake up, you hit yer head pretty dam hard."  Ashy says. And it's all to much for me as I stare at the unknown surrounding and the strange people and wasn't there a kid behind me. 

I look over my shoulder but theres no dark hair boy to be seen. God I must be hallucinating. Yea I reason with myself. I mean this is all some drunk dream right. These two gorgeous men are fake right. 

I reach forward and am displeased to find solid form under my finger tips as I jab forest British dudes stomach. He actually laughs a little and covers his abdomen quickly.

"Trying to get to second base so fast." I flush red and the two laugh. Hooligans. Behind me a door bursts open and a dark presence enters the room that I can feel from here. Goosebumps appear on my arm and the hair on the back of my neck stands up.


Well if I didn't say it before. Holy. Guacamole. Batman. 

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