Chapter 1

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I look out my foggy square window and I see the guys pulling up the drive way. I jump of my squooshy bed and I grab my backpack full of snacks, rope and my driver's license. I had just turned 16 and I got my license recently, but I didn't have a car...yet.

I walk down the steps of my mother's house. She often left me for months and went and did her own thing, I didn't really have a good life or a good up bringing.

I open the door of my friend's car. It's scratched and the grey paint is peeling off. My nose is instantly filled with the smell of smoke and alcohol, I do not drink or smoke but I can't say that for my friends.

"Heyyy Ellie," Kyle slurs from the passenger seat. I nod and then squeeze into the back. Next to me on my right is Bella, who is 18 and then next to her is her boyfriend Tyler, 20, Kyle was 21 and an addict and then driving is Jacob who is 19.

They rung my home phone last night and asked if I wanted to come with them to some junk yard, I agreed because I had nothing else to do.

"Hey how was your day?" Bella whispers into my ear. I shrug and then nod, "Yeah the usual"
She looks into my eyes and gives me an encouraging smile. She understands.

We pull up to a scrap looking yard,  and instantly as soon as I step out of the car I smell rotting flesh of some sort, not humans definitely not. Something sort of familiar.

When i was younger, me and my parents lived on a small amount of land. I had two horses, they were my absolute love and life. My mother looked after goats she loved them and then my dad, well he was great with horses but he mainly focused on bringing cattle down from the hills.

But then one day it all changed. My father was out in the hills, his mates were supposed to come and help him with the cows but they were late. So dad started bringing them down himself.

Tragicly my dad fell of his horse because he lost his stirrup and then his horse spooked. Then all of the herd ran forward because no one was watching them. They ran straight over him and he got severely bruised and broke several ribs, well that's what the hospital nurse said when he was in there on his deathbed.

After my father passed my mother couldn't afford the farm or anything really, my dad had all the money but some how it all got stolen. Then my mother and I had to drive away from the life we new and start a new one in the city. She stared going out every night and then she started staying out at night and she would come home extremely drunk and stoned.

I had to fend for myself and then i guess i just lost my spirit after awhile.

Kyle and Bella follow me the other two come a bit after.  Jacob stars shifting some of the crap scattering the ground. He picks up an old telephone with the back missing.
"This might come in handy!" He tells us.
"Nah put it back it's stuffed" Bella says while shaking her head.
Jacob throws it back into the pile he got it from.

I look around and snuff my sneaker into the dirt. I scan the area and just see piles of junk for miles.

Lining the area is a big metal fence that goes down for as far as the eye can see. I look over to Tyler, he picks up a small tyre and then chucks it back onto the ground when he see's there's a hole in it.

Suddenly I here a loud scream, but not a human one, then I here bashing comming from the fence.
"Stay quiet you worthless piece of sh*t!" A man yells.
I look around at Bella and see she is interested in Tyler at the moment she has her arm slung around his neck while she goes into kiss him.
I then see that Jacob is eyeing the fence curiously, I try to catch his eye and tuen when I do he motions for me to go and take a look. I then nod and motion for him to come too.

We quietly walk up to the massive fence, and then I walk over to a small dumpster and try to climb onto it. I struggle up but I stay on board.
I stand up slowly and then peer over the fence.

What greets my eyes is so tragic and sad that I lose my breath for a few seconds. I recover and then let a small fat tear run down my cheek.

About a dozen or so horses are scattered among the ground. They either have blood pooling out of their heads or have deep bloody gashes in their side. I lower my eyes and look around. Pinned to a run down shed is a mouldy peeling sign, it says:
-Barnaby's  SLAUGHTER HOUSE For Large Mammals-

Im lost for words...

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2019 ⏰

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