AM I SUPPOSE TO LOVE YOU (mb,corahn,diggy,issa,and omg girls story)

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MY NAME IS ALEXIS and my parents are the presidents of intercope records and there never home when they are they always buy me stuff and say sorry for not being home i understand but i wish they woulden go im kinda one of those girl where everybody knows your name and face but they dont talk to me and there is this one boy i like there but he is one of the cool kids and his crew always makes faces at me but mostly the skittle (i dont hate the omg girls ok it just the story there kool to me)one i wa using ther reastroom and they broke the door open and took a picture and almost put it on twitter but enought of them lets get to my day

jaden:lexy wake up

alexis:ok ok im up is mom and dad here

jaden:nope just me you and snowball

alexis:ok go get ready for school your going to cachthe bust today

jaden:but you got a car

alexis:sooo just goo

jaden:fine (he is her brother and hes 12 and she is 16)

me and jaden got dressed ate some of that nasty cereal that dad brought he says  it helps your brain and jaden caught the bus so

AM I SUPPOSE TO LOVE YOU (mb,corahn,diggy,issa,and omg girls story)Where stories live. Discover now