The 'Hero'

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A/n; no, not me, leaving as in the character is about to leave

The 'Hero'

{Y/n's P.O.V}

Today was a pretty awful day, I apparently had to do my job, of course this means tracking down ghouls and the likes, who knew I had to do my a job every day?

I was currently jumping from building to building like some ninja, there was apparently a citing of the notorious Devan the copycat bingeater

An A class ghoul, who would've though? But why did they send me? It's not like he was involved with Jason, another ghoul who likes to torture people or ghouls or quite frankly anybody who gets on his bad side

Must be rough getting tortured by him{...} ,but as I was saying I needed to find the ghoul, he likes to creep on dark alleys and on usually young men and women

So I kept my sight on those... well, that was the plan until I had to twist my body to the left in mid-air and catch an Ukaku shard

I looked at it

Me; ohhh, shiny

I crushed it with my hand as I looked at the direction it came from only to see nobody, my instincts basically shouted at me to move, and I did

I jumped up and was lucky to see a two blue tentacles that were from the Rinkaku, I turned to face the person it originated from

My kagune pierced my back clothes and shot straight towards the woman, she tries to blow it with hers but my strength proved to be too great she gets sent flying back

I charge at her only to dodge by jumping backwards from Ukaku shards that were heading towards me, I looked to the woman to see that there was man there too

He growled at me as I just started at him, he wasn't Devan... so who is he? A random ghoul?

I charge at him as his eyes widen in fear, he sends shards upon shards upon but I dodged every single one of them

With his friend being hurt, she wouldn't be a problem, I destroyed her Kagune and it would be to painful to forcefully regenerate it without human flesh to do it itself

I sent a punch at the man as he was sent skidding back on the buildings pavement, his eyes widen in shock as I held the woman in my arms with a shard pointed at her neck

Me; move and I'll slit her throat, think about doing anything and I'll kill her then I'll torture you

His body was shaking, he placed his hands up

Me: who are you

Michael: M-Michael

Me: who sent you?

Michael: n-nobody, we saw you and thought we could get fresh meat

He's lying, I can hear his heartbeat, it quickened if only for the slightest, he's a good lier

I faintly dragged the shard across her throat, only making a slight on her throat

Me: strike 2, one already happened when you attacked me, one more and you both die, one more brutally than the other

Michae: Aogiri

I dropped the female to the ground as I gave a smile to him which he glared at

Me: now was that too hard? Now of course you'll have to tell me where the base is

The Red Reaper {Male Self Insert x Tokyo Ghoul} ON HIATUSWhere stories live. Discover now