The big gamble part 2

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After Mion had injected some sort of liquid into Miri and Miyo's neck's, Rena glared at Erimi sending chills down her spine, her cleaver shined as it was being pointed at Erimi.

"You will gamble with me." Rena said still looking at the scared Erimi. "Now sit down!"

Erimi gulped nervously as she sat down not taking her eye's off of Rena, the other people were confused and a little scared as well. Yumeko looked over at the Sonozaki twins as she watched them gamble Miri and Miyo.

Mion looked at her cards in her hand as she looked up at Miyo who was sweating a little bit, Mion then pushed ten gamble chips forward as she looked over at her twin. "Go ahead Shion, you place your chips in next."

Shion looked at Mion and nods as she pushed in ten chips as well, she then looked at her own cards and then looked up at Miri and Miyo. "We wager ten chips, which you should know is a total of twenty, now it's your turn."

Miri looked down and scoffed. "Tch, don't think you're going to be lucky, we wager fifty chips, now we shall see who gets what, Miyo, let's get this started."

Miyo looked at Miri and nods slowly, something felt off though, she didn't know what was going on, she didn't hesitate as she placed one card onto the table, that being a zero, this was a different kind of gamble, it was for an antidote to cure what Mion had injected into her and Miri's body.


The gambling between the four went on for hours, Rena had her eye's locked onto Erimi, who had a different type of gamble set up as well, a finger gamble from the look of things, Rena looked at the device as she knew what it was for, in the distance Monika and Yuri watched the gambling go on, as for the rest of the Momobami Clan, they had their eye's set on Monika and Yuri.

"Don't look now..." Yuri said. "But we're being the Momobami Clan." Yuri's eye's shifted around the room looking from Rena's gamble to the Sonozaki gamble.

Monika had a grin on her face, it was clear that she was corrupted, her head twitched as her grin got wider. "Come, let us see if they can withstand our little game, wouldn't you say so Yuri?"

Yuri looked at the now corrupted Monika, as she too became corrupt, as Yuri grinned widely as she nods. "Very well Monika, shall we get Sayori and Natsuki as well?"

Monika shakes her head. "Just us two will do."

Both Monika and Yuri walked out of the club room, as a few members of the Momobami Clan followed shortly after.

Sumika, Yumi, and Miroslava were following behind the two doki's, once they had stepped into another room, things shifted, the room twisted and turned as a desk was spawned in the room, as Monika was seen sitting there with her hands on her chin, she looked at the three as she smiled a bit. Yuri was no where to be seen however, or so it seemed.

"So, you three came, such a shame, I expected more then this." Monika said in a cold tone. "Tell you three feel fear, or pleasure?"

Yumi raised an eyebrow as she looked at Monika. "What do you mean by that? Are you wanting to gamble against us three? Please you wont stand a chance."

Monika put her hand over her mouth as a small giggle escaped, which soon turned into laughter. "Me, gamble you? Please, the only thing you three will have to worry about is getting out of here alive."

Sumika didn't move as her head was down, but she didn't know what Monika was talking about, but then it happened so fast, the room twisted and turned again, the time sending the three somewhere.

"Where are we?" Miroslava asked looking at the other two. "And where are they at?"

Yumi shrugs her shoulders as she looked around, wondering the same. "Show yourselves, this isn't funny."

Yuri walked in as she had her knife on hand. "The only way out of her is through that door, but it's locked. You three must complete several games we picked for you, if you lose." Yuri then tilted her head to the side and grins sending chills down their spines. "I get to chop your fingers off slowly, and then, let the games begin."


Time passed as Mion and Shion looked at Miri and Miyo, both sister's had creepy grins on their faces as they laughed insanely followed by Rena laughing insanely as well, the room echoed with all three of them laughing, something was up, yet no one could figure it out, expect for those three, Keiichi, Rika and Satoko, Yumeko was left surprised as what she saw.

Miyo was shaking, her neck was itching like crazy, she looked at Mion. "What did you do to us?"

Mion stopped laughing as she looked at her. "It's simple really, I injected you and Miri with a virus, once your neck starts to itch, you can't stop scratching, and the more you scratch, the more your nails will dig into your neck, and you will soon start to bleed out, killing yourself at the end of it all."

Miri dropped her cards in disgust, she looked around for the cure, but only pricked her finger on a poison needle, her and Miyo were going to use on the Sonozaki twins. "You're insane, you're going to kill us....that's no gamble, that's murder."

"Say's the one with the poison needle's." Rena said from the distance as she was holding Erimi's chopped finger's in her hand.

"What? No, we'd never cheat." Miyo said as she started to scratch at her neck slowly.

"LIAR!" Rena yelled loudly as looked at her. "If there's one thing I don't like it's liar's, and since you lied to me, you two will suffer slowly."

Shion laughed as she pulled out a giant nail clipper. "Come on, put your hand on."

Miri looked at it in shock, not only was she poisoned by her own trap, but she had a virus in her body, and she was going to die. "N-No, I wont put my hand on that thing."

"Do it!" Mion snapped at her as she grabbed Miri's hand and gripped onto it forcing her hand on the the device. "Now Shion, do it."

Shion laughed more as she slams her hand down onto the clipper as Miri's finger nails came flying off, this left Miyo disgusted as she was scratching more and more, her nails soon dug into her neck as her skin came tearing off, Miyo soon bleed out as she put her bloody hand onto the table and fell to the floor.

"One down..." Shion said. "One more to go, now how will we kill you Miri?"

Miri gulped as she was speechless, Miyo was dead, and she would be soon. "Please, don't kill me..I'll die either way from the virus."

"End her now." Rena said as she jabbed her cleaver into Erimi's shoulder as blood dripped from Erimi and Rena's cleaver. "Kill, kill, kill, kill."

Maria watched on from the door way as she looked up at the stairs. "UU, looks like Monika and Yuri have killed those three, choppy choppy into stew."

Eventually, Erimi and Miri were soon slowly dying, Erimi was pale as her eye's rolled into the back of her head, and Miri collapsed to the floor, with several stab wounds to the gut.

Rena looked back at the Momobami clan members as she slowly walked over to them. "I'd advise you all to leave now, or you'll end up like all six of them."

Yumeko raised an eyebrow as she looked at Rena. "Six? You only killed three, how ar....oh Miroslava, Yumi and Sumika are gone too."

Rena nods. "Those three followed Monika and Yuri, and they haven't came back, so what's it going to be Rei? Are you and the rest going to leave, or is Shion going to torture you all and kill you slowly?"

Rei looked at Rena as she looked at the rest of the of them, she then sighs as she walked to the door. "We will leave for now, but we will be back."

With that said, the Momobami clan left the literature club, and out of the inn. Rena, Mion, Shion Monika and Yuri were all soon back to normal after as the literature club was closed for cleaning and repairs.

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