chapter 5

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'What the f**k is happening. Am I dreaming? Is this a dream?' I shook my head and guess what, I'm not dreaming at all.

I sighed and looked at them, they looked back.

I looked away then noticed that other student's are gathering around us.

"Yah, we got her first." Jimin said and crossed his arms then leaned on the table, BTS stood up.

"Tch, like hell she'd want to sit with you." Taeyong growled. Jaehyun and Taehyung glared at each other.

"We said we'd hang out with Lisa first." Chanyeol said bluntly.

"I'm the principal's nephew and only relative here in this school so that means she's sitting with us. Whether you like it or not." Mingyu boasted.

"Just because you're the school's nephew and ONLY relative here, doesn't mean you can get anything you want, little prince." Yoongi said to Mingyu.

"Wow look who's talking." Mingyu rolled his eyes, this made Yoongi lowkey triggered but decided to keep his cool.

"Aish, just give her to us then we'll be in good ways." -Jisoo

"As if, little sister." -Jin

"Lisa-yah, sit with us!~" -Rosé

"No can do, pink princess." -Jaehyun

"Obviously, she'll sit with us. Right noona?" -Mark

"Sorry kiddo. First come, first serve." -Jungkook

"Yah! We asked her to hang out with us first." -Baekhyun

"I saw her FIRST." -Jimin

"Haha, that's cute. Well I met her FIRST." -BamBam

"That doesn't mean you can hang out with her, unless she wants to." -Ten

"Now now, we can all just sit at the same table." -Yugyeom. 'Ahh, what a peacemaker.'

"Sorry but we want Lisa for ourselves." -Taehyung

"Sharing doesn't exist in my vocabulary at the moment." -DK

"Just hand her over to us. Simple as that." -Jennie

"Lisa isn't a thing that we can just hand over." -Namjoon

"Let's just end this. Lisa, come." Chanyeol had enough so he approached me then held my hand.

"Woah woah woah, and where are you taking her?" I felt someone hold my arm and it was The-8.

"You know that forcing someone to sit with you without her/his permission is quite rude." -Lucas

"Lisa, who do you wanna sit with?" -BamBam

They all looked at me, waiting for my answer. I stayed quiet for a moment until I decided to choose..

"I choose......"

"You know what?" I removed their hands. "I'm just gonna eat by myself. Now, will you excuse me. I'm hungry." I made my way through the crowd and left them there.

3 R D P E R S O N ' S  P O V

The students made way for Lisa as she struts, the boy looked at her. "Wow, Lisa looks hot." Rosé fanned herself and noticed that all the boys looked at her and gave her the 'you're-gay?' look.

"What? Did I said something wrong?" Rosé asked, they all rolled their eyes and went to their separate ways.


Lisa found a place to seat which is at the far corner of the cafeteria.

She sat down and felt many stares coming from all around her.

She looked back and saw many student's looking at her, mostly are glaring females.

She sighed and continued eating, she can hear gossips about her from afar. Lisa couldn't help but overhear it...

"Look, she's sitting far from the groups that were fighting over her earlier."

"She's a bitch actually."

"How could she even approach them???"

"Did she seduced them? Pfft."

"Ugh, as if with that anorexic body of hers."

"Yeah you're right."

"I bet 99.9% they just pitied her. Or she seduced them."

"Even THE BlackPink were involved with the fight!"

"Eew, even those bitches? Are they gay or something??"

"Who knows?? Maybe Lisa seduced them too! Hahahaha!!"

"She's just a gold digger."

Lisa still continued eating despite hearing those harsh words towards her.

She still managed to stop her tears from streaming out of her eyes.

She was silently eating until she noticed someone's tray in front of her.

"Hi! Mind if I sit with you?" She looked up and saw a guy, she couldn't see him clearly because her eyes are too blurry due to her tears.

She just shook her head and continued eating.

"Thanks. U-umm, why are you crying?" The unknown guy asked.

"I-it's nothing... Sorry." Lisa wiped her tears as she replied in a low tone.

"Here, let me.." The guy rose up from his seat wiped Lisa's tears with a clean napkin.

Lisa heard the girls gasp and she looked up again and saw a handsome boy wiping her tears.

"There. All better, my name is Hanbin." He gave Lisa a genuine smile before sitting down.

Lisa smiled back, "T-thank you. I'm Lisa."

"Soooo, you're the transferee?" He said as he munch down his food.


"Cool! Are you a foreigner?"

"Yes. I'm from Thailand."

"Wah, daebak! I always wanted to go to Thailand. No wonder you're cute." Hanbin whispered the last sentence and proceeded to eat.

"Say, Lisa, what's your next class?"

"Oh it's Chemistry."

"Jinja? Whoa, we really do have Chemistry."

"Ahahaha— wait w-what?"


The bell rang and students got our from their seats and exits the cafeteria. "Let's go?" Hanbin said.

"Let's go." Lisa replied with a smile and the two walked together side by side to their next class.

While walking, a boy interrupted them and rushed between the two, making a gap between them.

"Hi baby girl! My name's Bobby." He said.

"Oh! I'm Lisa, nice to meet you Bobby."

"So, where are you guys off to?"

"We have Chemistry class." Hanbin replied.

"Aaaahh, Hanbin! I didn't noticed you there, haha! Mian. Well I have Chemistry class too. Let's go together!" Bobby said and held Lisa's hand and dragged her away, leaving a furious Hanbin.

"YAH!! Get back here! Give me back my— I m-mean Lisa!!" He said as he chased them both, catching up with the two.

Well that was pretty boring. But oh well! I hope you guys enjoyed it!!

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