Chapter 5 ~ House of Jeon

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  Chanyeol pounded desperately at the stone wall, tears stinging his eyes. Blood stained his knuckles as he continues to punch the wall in fury. Trapped in the hell hole, Chanyeol felt his mind slowly disappearing into the darkness. He had one job. Protect Chaeyoung, and now that he had failed his heart had dropped beneath the ground into a hell he couldn't have imagined.

"You can't keep me in here!" He screamed at the door for what seemed to be the hundredth time. Sadly, there was no respond. Now he was truly alone.

Sitting down he glanced at his damaged hand. Relaxing his sore muscles he again felt the inhuman pain crawling up his arm. He had been trained for this. He should be able to handle this... but yet again the dimly-lit cell reminded him of the complete failure he knew he was. Burying his head in his bloody arms he sobbed in regret of ever thinking he could do this. The sobs shook his body as tears rained down his cheeks. Slowly he took control of his useless mind and sat up. He rested his head against the wall behind him.

"Poor birdie." Chanyeol quickly turned his head in the direction of the voice. He glared daggers at the person in front of him. The girl just smirked.

"Don't be like that. I brought you a treat." She said holding up a chocolate bar. Chanyeol's mouth watered at the sight of it. "Hungry aren't you?"


The girl smiles sweetly. She quickly walks over to him. Chanyeol flinches at her quick approach. He watches carefully as her face turns into a small frown. "I'm not going to hurt you. I'm not like the others." Chanyeol looks at her with a unsure expression. She sits next to him and unwraps the candy bar giving it to him. He takes it, biting into the snack.

"Tastes nice doesn't it Birdie?" He nods, savoring it.
"What's your name Birdie?"

"Chanyeol..." He mumbles.

"I'm Yuqi."

Chaeyoung woke up, rubbing her eyes while sitting up. Sunlight poured through the huge window. She looked around the modern themed room and let out a sigh. Although living with the Jeons wasn't  the worst she help but think about her family.

Chaeyoung gently moved her body only to be stopped. Her heart sped up in shock. Had they tied her to her bed? Why couldn't she get up. Slowly she looked down in fear of seeing a metal chain.

"Jungkook?" Chaeyoung tilted her head. There beside her was Jeon Jungkook with one arm wrapped around her waist and his head buried into her side. Chaeyoung mentally face palmed. How could she have forgotten that he was sleep next to her? When he was hugging her the whole time?! A sweet smile made its way up to her lips as she ran her hand through his hair.

"Morning..." She jumped  startled at his sudden response. "Hi."

Jungkook pulled her closer to him and snuggled into her warmth. It had only been three days since she arrived and she knew barely anything about him. But it still felt so right, so safe.

"I'm gonna get up." His says in a raspy voice. Chaeyoung nodded as he slowly lifted himself of the bed, walking out the room as if nothing happened. Chaeyoung just sat there. All her life she was told to stay away from the Jeons. That the Jeon's were cruel, and awful people. She couldn't say that she agreed. Sure, Jungkook was cold, and serious but he was also so understanding and sometimes even caring.

Chaeyoung shook her head and got off the bed. Her thoughts washed away as looked through the window.

Getting ready, she wore a simple but pretty outfit that complimented her figure. (Look below)

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