Chapter 4:

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The next day is such a drag. My shoulder is killing me and my stepdad wouldnt give me dinner. Im starving. Soon enough, its lunch time and I get as much food as I can. School food is usually disgusting but since I havent eaten in a day, its amazing.

I quickly finish all my food while earning a couple of glares and laughs as I stuff the food in my mouth. I finally finish and head to biology with Ms. Cross. So far shes the best teacher ive had. Shes very nice and welcoming. I got to talk to her yesterday and she seems like the most heartwarming person in this school.

"Welcome class!" She says. She is honestly amazing but her voice makes me want to cup my ears and yell "Stop!". The class itself is pretty boring but it will have to make due.

Throughout the day, that boy keeps popping up in my head. I keep trying to not think about him, but he keeps finding his way into my mind. I try to ignore it but its almost impossible.

Soon, I remember that Mr.Chesser gave me detention for 3 days. How the hell am I suppose to tell my 'parents' that I talked back to a teacher and got detention on the first day of school? How the hell am I even suppose to get back home? I dont want to worry about this now. I push those thoughts to the back of my mind and continue with my dreadful day, waiting for it to end.

Before I know it, school ends. I make my way to the library and once im inside, I dont see that boy anywhere. Im surprised that I dont see him here, but he's probably just banging a chick in the janitors closet. Why do I even care if hes here? I bet he doesnt even remember me.


Detention ends sooner than I thought. I step out the room, into the hallway. I walk out the building and sit on the curb. After sitting there for a good 5 minutes, bury my face in my hands.

Im scared to go home. What if he beats me again? Ive lived with this since I was 13 when my parents died and I dont think I can last another minute with him.

I begin to cry. I dont know why, I just feel like letting everything out. I only look up when I hear a deep, husky voice talking to me.

"Are you okay?" He says. I look up from my hands and see that boy from detention. Holy shit. I look disgusting. My eyes are puffy and red from crying, my hair is everywhere and I can feel my face starting to blush. He looks so...perfect? Wait, what am I saying? I dont like him. I dont even know his name. He obviously cares though. Im surprised he even talked to me.

"Yea, im fine." I say, obviously lying. I can tell he's getting uncomfortable after a long period of just standing there so he breaks the silence.

"Do you need a ride?" He asks. What? I dont even know him and he's already asking if he can take me home? Wait, im overthinking this. But that if my 'parents' see him? That doesnt really matter right now, I just really need a ride.

"Yea." I say. He gestures me to stand up as he walks towards his car. I gather my things and begin to follow him. He is much nicer than he looks. If only I knew how wrong I was.

I make my way over to the car and step inside it. I hadnt realized his car was super expensive until I looked at the leather covered sheets while the smell of a newly bought car invaded my lungs.

"What happened?" He asks after a long awkward silence. Oh you know, my stepdad is abusive, school is awful, but im totally fine!

"Nothing." I reply instead.

"Whats your name?' He asks.

"Louis." I reply. "Whats yours?"

"Does that really matter?" He says. Nope, I was wrong. He is the asshole that he looks like.

"Well if it doesnt matter then why did you ask me?"

"Because I was curious." He replies with a smug look on his face.

"Well so am I." I fire back.

"Its Harry." He says after he sighs and rolls his eyes. We spend the rest of the way to my house in silence, only giving him little signals as to where to go.

"Thanks for the ride." I say as he pulls up into my driveway. I really mean it. Without him, it would have taken me ages to get home, only adding more reasons as to why my stepdad could beat me.

He away from the street and into my eyes. He has beautiful green eyes that I wish I could stare into all day, but obviously he has no intentions of remaining here.

We stay there, staring at each other for what seems like hours before he and moves his eyes to my arms. I realize that I wore short sleeves today for no apparant reason. My mind runs wild then I realize, he's staring at my scars. I quickly move my arms behind my back hoping he hasnt noticed my faded scars.

"Sure." He says and shuts the door before driving away. What did I just do? Were my scars a turn off for him? Does he not approve of them? Who am I kidding, no one aproves of self harm.

My heart hurts. I turn around and walk towards the door. I see a note taped to the glass on the redwood door.

*Me and Ken went to the store to grab a few things. We left some dinner on the counter in case you get hungry. We wont take long.

- xoxo Emily*

I sigh with relief at the note and unlock the door, taking off my shoes before entering. Im still starving. I make my way to the kitchen and see the food Emily left me. I place the food in the microwave and put 1:30 on the timer. I pour myself a glass of iced tea and sit down at the table. Hopefully I can eat in peace.

Harry's eyes keep flashing in my head. His reaction still aches my heart and I wish I could just make him come back, just to stare at his beautiful eyes again. I snap out of my thoughts when I realize im becoming a desperate wreck.

When I am finished, I wash my plate because I know how much Ken hates to come home to a dirty house. Its only amother excuse for him to hurt me.

Its only the second day of school so there is nothing to do. I usually come home from school and start on my homework, unless my Ken comes and beats me of course, but it feels so foregin to me.

I make my way to the living room because im too lazy to walk upstairs to my room and end up just thinking about Harry and his flawless eyes until I fall asleep on the utterly cold living room sofa.




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