Shattered Sight

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Chapter Twenty Six.

With as many people locked away as possible, Emma had time to give Freya the rough ins and outs of the spell and what was going on.
"Ingrid wants Elsa and I, so we know that the spell won't affect us. But we have no idea what it's going to do to you." She explained.
"I highly doubt I'll be affected. I'm a siphoner first and foremost. Whatever magic comes my way, I'll absorb it. In the meantime, I'm going to make sure Killian and Lance stay put. We'll be on the Jolly Roger if you need us." Freya told her, pulling her into a hug.

Whilst they were on the docks, the spell was completed. It began to rain pieces of shattered mirror.
"Freya, there's something I have to tell you before this spell takes hold." He said, grabbing her hand.
"What is it?" She asked.
"I don't have my heart." He said. Freya was about to interrupt, but he stopped her. "The Dark one has it. He needed the heart of someone who knew him before he became the Dark One so that he could break the bond between him and the dagger. I've been under his control since yesterday. I just needed to tell you before I blurted it out whilst under the spell. And I also wanted to say that I love you."
Freya sighed. "I'll get your heart back, Killian. I promise. And I love you too."
The pair joined in a kiss before she Vamp sped them the rest of the way to the Jolly Roger, cast a boundary spell on the hold below decks so that Lance couldn't escape it and chained Killian to his desk in his quarters.
"I love you." He repeated, just as pieces of mirror fell into his eyes, casting their spell.
Freya could feel the spell falling into her own eyes before seeing a red glow. She was right. Her Siphoner magic was absorbing the spell.
She took a brief sigh of relief.
If she had been wrong, all of Storybrooke would have paid the horrific price.

She looked to Killian, who hadn't seemed to have changed a bit.
"Killian?" Freya frowned.
"It didn't work on me..." He realised, looking back at her. "Why didn't it work?"
"It must have something to do with your heart... Perhaps you need it inside you for the spell to have any effect." She suggested.
"I think you can unchain me, love." He gave her a small smile.
Freya held up a finger. "Hold on a sec."
She disappeared in a flash up to the top deck and listened out.
Everyone who hadn't locked themselves away in time was now causing havoc on the streets. She heard smashing, car alarms blaring, people yelling profanities and foul insults to one another.
She shook it off and went back down to free Killian.
"Sorry." She said. "I just had to be sure that the spell didn't take a few moments to kick in or something before I let you go."
She waved her hand over Killian's chains, releasing him instantly.
As soon as he was free, he swept her up into his arms and leaned in for a kiss.
"I don't even want to imagine what we'd have said to each other if even one of us had been affected." He whispered against her lips.
"Let's not think about it. We need to get everyone separated." Freya nodded, pulling away from him.

After checking on Lance, who was far less than happy about being stuck in a room by himself, the pair headed into town.
Hours seemed like days by the time Freya and Killian had rounded up as many people as possible and locked them away in separate rooms in separate houses and buildings.
"Freya..." Killian fell into her arms as they met up again on Main Street. "The Crocodile's beckoning me. I need to go." He said.
"I'm coming with you." She nodded to him.
"No, you need to carry on helping more people. I'll call you and let you know what he's up to." He replied.
Freya groaned in frustration, seeing more people threatening to kill each other.
"Fine..." She finally sighed, releasing him.
"I love you." He said.
"I love you too."

After helping a couple more people, Freya heard something strange, just as she was receiving a call.
"Killian?" She answered.
"He wants me to get Henry for him. He's going to take him and Belle and leave Storybrooke." Killian told her.
"Henry's at the school in Mary Margaret's classroom." Freya said.
"Love, I know you're lying to me. I know he's in the Mayor's office." He sighed, slightly out of breath from walking too fast to talk at the same time.
"Crap... Okay, I'm on m-" Before she could finish her sentence, she heard yells and screams coming from the Sheriff's office. "Oh no..."
"What is it?" Killian asked.
"I think Mary Margaret got out of her cell... But more importantly, I think Regina's out of her vault." She practically whined. "I need to go."
"I'll try and bide my time as much as possible. Just don't let them kill each other." With that, he hung up the phone.
Freya used her Vamp speed to rush into the Sheriff's office.
David was still locked in one cell, but Kristoff had been released from his handcuffs chained to the desk, Anna, Elsa and Emma were nowhere to be seen and Mary Margaret and Regina – who was back in her evil Queen get up - were battling it out with swords.
"That's ENOUGH." Freya yelled, violently waving her hand, which caused the swords to disappear and the two women to fly into opposite sides of the room.
Regina took one look at Freya in her dress and scoffed.
"Why are you in my dress?" She seethed.
"Long story. Tell you when you're sane. But first, who the bloody hell let you two out?"
"Go talk to that annoying bitch you call a daughter." Regina spat, attempting to be free of the magic holding her against the wall.
"Emma... Why on earth would she let you out?" Freya frowned.
"Her and Snow Queen junior wanted to be free of those damn ribbons on their wrists and used me to do it. Always the tool, never the hero." She glared across the room to Mary Margaret.
"Where are they now?" The Heretic asked.
"Who cares? Let me down." Regina growled.
Freya rolled her eyes and left the building, calling Emma.
"Mom, don't panic. We're free of the ribbons. We can hurt Ingrid now. We're on our way to her." Emma answered the phone, clearly frantic.
"Fine. I just wanted to know you were safe. Be careful. I've gotta go save Henry." Freya sighed heavily.
"Save Henry? Why?" She could hear that Emma had stopped in her tracks.
"Long story short? Rumpelstiltskin took Killian's heart yesterday and has had him doing his bidding ever since. Now he wants Killian to bring Henry to him so that they and Belle can leave whilst Storybrooke is destroying itself." She explained.
"Oh my God..." Emma breathed.
"It's alright. I've got it. I'll save Henry, you take care of Ingrid. I love you, Emma."
"I love you too." The blonde replied, then hung up the phone.
Freya Vamp sped to the Mayor's office.
"Henry!" She called as she walked down the halls.
"Freya, love. Help me, please." Her eyes met Killian's as he stood by the door to the office, a vial of red dust in his hand.
"What's that for?" She asked him.
"It undoes Regina's protection spell. One sprinkle of this and Henry is free for the taking. You have to stop me." He looked at her with pleading eyes.
"How?" She asked.
"Compel me or something. Perhaps it'll override Gold's hold on me."
Freya nodded and walked over to him; taking a fistful of the chain he wore around his neck, with a skull and cross bones and a sword pendant on it, which she had previously laced with Vervain to prevent compulsion. In one sweep, she ripped it from his neck.
Then, she looked into his eyes.
"Forget everything Rumple has said to you. You do not want to get into that office." She compelled.
It looked as though it was working for a spilt second, but Killian shook his head, eyes closed tight.
"Bloody Hell..." He hissed. "It didn't work."
"You must need your heart to be compelled..." Freya sighed. "I suppose we're going to have to do this the hard way."
Killian looked at her, confused.
"What do you-"
"I love you." She muttered, then punched him straight in the face with a little more than normal, Human strength. He fell to the floor, unconscious. "By the Gods... I'm so sorry, Killi. That's gunna hurt..." She then turned to the frosted glass on the door of the office. "Sorry kid, you're gunna have to stay in there a little longer."
Freya then left a shouting and screaming Henry to his devices, leaving the building to go clear up some more messes.
But just as she stepped out of the building – watching the remaining Storybrooke residents punching and kicking each other – she noticed that everyone just stopped.
Seconds later, she got a call from Emma.
"Emma? What's going on? Everyone just stopped attacking each other." She answered.
"We did it... Well, Ingrid did it. She sacrificed herself. Anna found this message in a bottle from her mother that said she made a mistake when she rejected Ingrid and a bunch of other things. But that's all Ingrid wanted. She just wanted her sisters to love her. So she did it. She saved the town." Emma replied. "Everyone's safe."
"Good... Well, not good that Ingrid's dead. How you put it almost makes me feel bad, but it's good that she finally did the right thing. It's a shame she couldn't have done it a few seconds earlier though because I've just punched Killian in the face. He's out like a light on the floor outside of the Mayor's office." Freya shrugged.
"Oh... Wow... Okay. Well, we'll be back in town soon." Emma chuckled with slight disbelief.

Everyone gathered by the clock tower, embracing one another in loving arms.
Emma, Elsa and Anna appeared from down the street, smiles on their faces just as snow began to fall out of nowhere.
Freya wrapped Regina's cloak around herself in an attempt to keep all body heat in for the baby.
"Now will you tell me why you're in my clothes?" Regina walked up to Freya's side as they watched the heroes of the day get shrouded in love, affection and celebration.
"It was cold in the Enchanted Forest and your castle was the nearest place I could find to get some decent clothes." Freya sighed, giving Regina a side glance.
"Well... They suit you." Regina chuckled, nudging Freya's shoulder, playfully.

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