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The bright sun glowed past the curtains illuminating the living room. The girls fell asleep in the living room after having a dance party in the living. Although the living room was illumined the girls stayed in dream land with Mina and Momo cuddled up to each other, Sana laying on Tzuyu's stomach and her feet on Jungyeon's leg. Jungyeon wrapped her arm around Nayeon's shoulder as Nayeon laid on Jungyeon's shoulder. Dahyun slept like a star fish a leg on Momo and the other on the floor. Jihyo had the best spot in the living room, she had the massage chair and it continued to hum as Jihyo's body viberated. Of course last but not least Chaeyoung was actually in the basement sleeping with you in her arms.

Chaeyoung stirred awake as if there was an automatic alarm in her body screaming to wake her up. After being aware of her surroundings she realized that your body was radiading heat. She looked at your face and noticed your light eyebrows knitted together and sweat flowing down your face and a small sweat stain under you. Chaeyoung tried to wake you up by shaking you but paniced when you didn't being a light sleeper. She pushed herself up from her stomach and ran up the stairs to her sleeping members.

"UNNIES!" The girls groaned and whined thinking they could sleep in as they would have a schedule in the evening and not in the morning. "Jihyun, is sweating a lot and isn't waking up." All thoughts of sleeping in vanished as all of the girls ran down into the basement, with tears treatening to fall from their eyes seeing the condition you were in.

"Chaeyoung call Sadness unnie, Jungyeon, Mina and Tzuyu change her clothes, Nayeon get a bucket of warm water and towels, Dahyun and Momo help with whatever you can. I'll get the thermometer," Jihyo ran upstairs to her shared room with Nayeon, Mina and Sana getting the blue ear therometer in the tan drawer beside her bed and running back down. Chaeyoung grabbed her phone pacing back and forth biting her nails, waiting for their manger to pick up. When she did she explained the situation. Nayeon, with Momo following behind, ran into the bathroom and filled up the red flat bucket with warm water and placing two face towels in it. Dahyun with Tzuyu got new clothes in the white dresser as Junyeon and Mina carefully took off your sweat soaked clothes. When your bare skin was shown Nayeon and Momo carefully cleaned your sweat, wringing out the water and wiping you down, after cleaning your small upper body Jungyeon and Mina put on a new shirt.

"Ah oh, this is not good. Jihyun has a fever," Jihyo frowned.

"What is her temperature, Ji?" Nayeon asked.

"41 degrees."

"41!" The whole room shouted. 

"Forget about Sadness unnie, I am bringing my daughter to the hospital!" Sana took you from the bed holding a towel in her hands and placing it on your forehead.

"Ya, how are you going to get her there?!"

"Jungyeon drive!"

"We will all go," Jihyo declared. None of the members cared about themselves at this point especially when you were in this state. They ran out with their hair all over the place, in their blue silk pajamas and distress clearly on their faces.

As they did not have the vans Jungyeon used her dark grey car fitting 5 people in it the "appa" team -- Jungyeon, Momo, Tzuyu, Dahyun and Chaeyoung put the car seat in the car as the umma team tried to cool you down as you were crying, tugging at your ear and screaming. Although your screams were high pitched and hurt the girls ears, it pained them more hearing how much pain you were in. Jungyeon, Mina, Sana and Chaeyoung were in one car and the other members were in Jihyo's.

Before Jungyeon could drive off Jihyo stopped her, Jungyeon rolled down her window as Jihyo whispered in her ears, "I know you are worried about her, but do not speed no matter what okay, do not speed there."

Despite her own words, Nayeon, Tzuyu, Dahyun and Momo held onto their dear lives as Jihyo drove faster than usual but not fast enough to get pulled over. Upon reaching the hosptial multiple murmers and whispers erupted as Twice entered with many people taking out their phones to take pictures. A nurse ran up to them asking what was wrong.

"Who is her legal gardian?" Jihyo raised her hand and was gestures to follow the nurse into a room as the other Twice members waiting outside. Their managers came running in as if it was their own daughter. Your cries stopped blaring into the hallway when they asked Jihyo to sing for you as she carried you and her heart helped sooth you. After running tests the doctor lead the rest of the Twice members to a room you were at and were going to stay so they could continue to monitor you for the night.

"It is good that you guys came as fast as you could, don't worry about the fever it was her body's attempt to stop and infection she has. Now Jihyun has an ear infection, I understand that you girls are busy but if it is alright can at least one of you stay with her, that would be best for her. The ear infection probably caused her fever, but it did not rupture her eardrum, so don't worry. There is a nurse inside already and I recommend to have a warm towel and compress it on Jihyun's ear 10-15 minutes everyday until the ear infection is healed, acetaminophen a type of tylenol may help relieve the pain and fever, keep Jihyun hydrated, and elevate your baby's head to improve your baby's sinus drainage but place a pillow or two under the mattressinstead of under the baby's head. I'll be back later with eardrops for her," the doctor smiled and opened the door to you who were sleeping with a pink towel under your infected ear.

"So I cleared Sana's schedule for today," one of their managers said and the other Twice members were out raged. "I know all of you are worried but you all had confirmed schedules except Sana she didn't have a lot scheduled anyways. You guys have 10 hours before your schedules, its almost 8 so you girls can go home, shower, get changed, and bring some stuff from home. Just remember to pack a few clothes for Sana so she could shower here."

A few minutes after the girls left it was silent, minus the heart monitor that was beeping on rhythm. Sana sat up as a small whine escaped from your mouth. "Hi baby Ji," you touched your ear and pouted. "I know baby, you got a boo boo. Do you want okaasan (mother in japanese) to kiss you?" Sana puckered her lips and pretended to kiss you, with you softly giggling. "Let's see if you have a fever," Sana picked you up keeping the towel at your ear and placed your forehead on her forehead.

"Okaasan!" you cheered. Sana puffed her cheeks and tried to keep a straight face but couldn't as her eye disappeared and her smile grew. This caused you to laugh as Sana looked similar to a shiba-inu mixed with a squrriel. You ended up coughing and caused Sana to panic as well as her eyebrows knitted together and her mouth slightly agaped. She patted your back.

"Can I go home?" you laid your cheek on Sana's shoulder.

"Aww we have to wait till the doctor can say you can go. How about when you get better okaasan gets you ice cream?" You nodded as the thought of ice cream made you happy. "We can't tell Jihyo umma alright," you nodded.

"Tell me what," Jihyo entered with a bag of Sana's clothes and a penguin plushie that you so desired, followed by the rest of the Twice members.

"Okaasan give me ice cream," Sana earned a glare from the rest of the members.

After spending the night at the hospital and a few weeks after your ear infection healed and was finally given the ice cream Sana promised. Tzuyu tagged along with the weather becoming colder Tzuyu wore a black patted jacket, light blue jeans with an emerald green knitted turtle neck sweater. Sana wore a white paddded jacket, black jeans with a pink t-shirt. In between them was Jihyun in her own white padded jacket black tights and an emerald green sweater matching both Sana and Tzuyu, holding both of their hands. The Twice members found them crazy for eating ice cream in the winter but to onces they found it really cute commenting "Satzu is real", in truth it was real as Tzuyu built up the courage that morning to confess to Sana which lead to their family outing. Jihyun constantly kept asking the two to swing her and the three enjoyed their outing until Nayeon called or them to head back to the dorm.

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