What are you supposd to say when someone knocks on the door and youre in the restroom?
Is tupac some kind of philosopher or is my english teacher a liar?
Why did organisms form on earth instead of somewhere else?
Why do easter eggs have holes?
Who came up with the idea of toilet paper?
Where did swear words come from?
Why didn't my parents use birth control?
When were the first passing lanes formed?
Isn't "mentally-ill" just another way to define someone as abnormal?
Who was the first person to kill themself?
Why do people think theyre better than eachother because of how they were born?
Who said someones weight determained what kind of person they are?
Who said someones physical charectaristics determine what kind of person they are?
Why don't people like dad jokes?
What is the square root of two?
What is impossible exactly?
Who came up with the idea of an afterlife?
The Questions
RandomThese are the questions of an extremely philosophical teenage boy.