Chapter 8

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In Morning at Chamko cafe

"Hey Neil..."

"Hola rii.."

"Did Avni call you?...she is not picking my call yaar... From morning I am trying her...." she said


He remains yesterdays incident where Avni was going with Vidyut.

"Damn... Yesterday she went with Vidyut...." he said in frustration

"So what Neil... But why can't she pick my calls.." she said

"Ohh god... You won't understand rii... I am tensed now... What if... No... I wanna search her.." he said and took his phone and called her

But  it wasnt reachable. He went to the hospital and asked about her but she wasn't came to the hospital that day. She went to the place where they were used to go but she wasn't  there.

" Avni... Where are you...." he thought while his eyes were building with tears

He was searching, searching and searching for her like a maniac trying to reach her

In night

"Chachi... Avni?" he asked

"Neil beta... Come in.."

" Avni there?" he asked

"No... She was with riya and she didn't shown up... I think you should go to riya home.." she said while he nodded not saying anything to her

"Mumma..." Mowgli came and stoped after seeing Neil

"Hi handsome" he said while he glared at him

"I won't talk to you..." he said and sat on another couch switching on the TV

"handsome what happen?" he asked

"You broked my jaan dii's know after that she stopped watching cartoon with me.." he said with a pout

While he went sad

"Sorry na... Please.. Please.." he requested

"No... Untill my jaan dii wont forgive you... I won't  forgive you too.." he said and ran away

He then went out sadly. He took a ring which he wanted to give her which he bought when he went abroad but everything happen in mean time. He just throw the ring. He saw her coming casually with Vidyut. He saw with anger filled eyes. She turned and saw him standing. He pulled her by her shoulder

"where were you till now... You know how I was searching you... Are you just serious... Why you have your phone just throw it away...." he yells at her while she looked at him and didn't  spoke sensing his anger

"Neil..." Vidyut came out of the car seeing this

"I think you should leave her..." vidyut said him while she left her and moved towards him

"Who are you to say this.." he was about to punch his face in anger but stopped

He then took his car and went in anger. He went to the cliff covering himself in a blanket due to the cold climate.

"Avniiiiiii..." he shouted while it echoed

"Did you just call me.." here she comes following him while he turned

"No. I was outpouring my anger and trying to forget you..." he said

"Ohh I see..." she rolled her eyes

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