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It was cold. Really cold. "Just a minute ago I was lying in my bed in the early spring. Now it's winter?! What the heck is going on?!" I whined to myself.
Winters are normally frigid in our village, but my lack of clothing made it somehow worse. I was in the village square. The whole place was frozen over, even the trees had their top leaves covered in ice.
"It won't do me any good to stand around and freeze to death," I shivered. "Better get moving." However when I tried to move, nothing happened. I tried again still to no avail. I kept on trying but nothing was working. It was like I was paralyzed waist down.
This seemed rather similar to the stories that we were told as children. Being raised in the mountains you hear lots of fantastical stories from the adults and elders that travelers used to tell when they came through when the road was busy.
One was of a woman of black ice. She lured men and froze their towns in black ice leaving them with nowhere to turn. When the people who were only half frozen, including the men, begged for their lives, she beheaded them and carried their frozen bodies back to her home deep in the snowy mountains. The older, yet insensible, elders in my village joked that her heart was as pitch black as the ice she froze them in. Us kids were sure none of them even saw the woman or the ice.
Another was of a deranged killer who killed countless people. Most of his victims were headless as well. He had let some people live, but they no longer had part of their lower bodies. They say he ate their bodies right in front of the people he cut them off of. Most of the older elders in our village thought that they were just tales of mercenaries not wanting to explain their battle wounds to their families, and they just wanted to scare the children. Both of these stories were from more than a decade ago, so nobody really minded them.
All of these things seemed pretty reasonable to me right now. It terrified me to look, but I forced myself to do it anyways. What I saw was not what I was expecting but equally as terrifying. The entire lower half of my body was completely frozen. Honestly I was expecting the murderer thing more than this, but it explained why everything was frozen over.
"Wh-what the..." I was cut off mid sentence by a gasp coming from behind me. "Ah! There you are!" I jerked my head back to try and look at the source of the voice. Nobody.
"It took so long to find you!" the voice said again, this time in front of me.
I tried to turn my head faster the other way, no luck. Still nobody.
"You are the only other one who could understand me."
I'm not sure if I was terrified or just cold, but I couldn't stop shaking as my body stiffened.
"You're the only other one who..."
I can't move.
"...can 'feel' me."
It's body was pressing right up against my chest, It's hands slowly winding up my waist. I winced at the touch of It's hands. It was like a statue, cold, dead. Their hands seemed to grasp at my warmth and seemed to evacuate up to where my cloak was.
"I wish," It's breath was right at the center of my neck, seeming to make everything colder. "I wish we could stay like this forever." It's voice was soft now, almost like the way the mothers in the village talked to their children. It seemed to backed away, brushing It's cold hands around from my back to my chest. Once It's hand passed my birthmark at the center, It instantly traced their hand over it, as if a distant memory. "Oh, only if this hadn't happened to you." It whispered almost crying, "You're too good of a kid to deserve this..."
Tears started forming in my eyes as they pulled, what I thought was their head, closer to my chest. The area where the voice was warming up, comforting me. It's grip loosened up and they slipped away, taking the new warmth with them.
"We will see each other again someday, hopefully soon," It said distantly, fading into nothingness.
"W-wait!!" I screamed leaping out towards them as my body thawed. No one was there, all that was left was the cold emptiness of the winter. Tears started flowing down my face, freezing before they hit the ground. I closed my eyes, feeling nothing but the hope of death...

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