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troyeislife its a sad time for me right now. i recently decided to come out to mom but of course it didn't turn out happy. luckily my brother and dad accepts so i moved in with them my mom kicked me out. i came out as bi and my mom just hated me and called me bad words. thank you troyesivan for just making me happy through all this i love you.

troyesson aww babe I hope your ok ❤️

troyesivan 💞💞🏳️‍🌈

prettytro aww hope its all good for you it was the sane for me ❤️

troyequeen i hope your doing fine and you get through this rough patch. message me if you need someone to talk too. 💞🥰

jacobbtroye sweetie msg me like i said on the phone. you can come over any time you like ❤️

allus.ions babe push through this fight i know you will. i hope you are fine with you dad and brother right now.

mason.bro hey bear come talk to me right now. we can watch whatever you want and even get ice cream (brother)

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